Sonic Ninja

581 33 18

(⚠️ Warning! Please if you're sensitive to scars and wounds descriptions, please do not read this chapter for your own safety! ⚠️ I put a reminder in the middle where this part ends!)

"...Do you... want to talk about it?", "...Yeah"

"Okay so... what happened? Did someone hurt you?", Shuu could feel Karmas hand softly turn into a fist out of slight anger. "...Yeah a bit. But not in a way of me being hurt physically but more emotionally.", he mumbled out. "Can I know their name, if you know theirs too?", Karma asked. "...It's more like someone hurt someone who is important to me, and they are hurt physically and now it hurts me emotionally".

Karma stayed silent for a silence. "...You don't really talk about anyone who is important to you with me... then... is it me?". He guessed it right. Of course it was him - it has always been him.

Shuu gave Karma a quick nod as an answer, to which Karma nodded as well, swallowing his saliva. "...I... I see... and uhm... What do you mean by me being physically hurt?", both of them knew what Shuu meant by physically hurt, Karma still wanted to make sure if it's that. Shuu lifted his head up to look at his redhead into his eyes. He then bit his lips, sitting up slightly, holding onto Karmas waist. Karma nodded in approval. Shuu took a deep breath, his chest filling up with so much air he thought he might explode. Holding onto the sides of Karmas shirt, he slowly pulled it up.

Karma's waist was covered in around 5 scars - almost healing but still there, leaving marks behind that will stay there for a long time - maybe even forever. Shuus hands started to shake.

"...D-Did you do...these? Or did someone hur...hurt you?", he started to stutter, his voice breaking as he held back tears. Karma stayed silent, looking down, wishing that these scars have never appeared. "...Someone else", he admitted soon after. "...I... I know you've got into, and probably still do get into fights pretty often- but why...'', Shuus hand slowly moved to Karmas scars, to stroke over them with his fingers. "...It was complicated- ...but it was a long time ago- please don't worry about it...needless to say... I...I am far more careful with this now. No more wounds, no more scars.", Karma took one hand of Shuus into his, squeezing them together.       "If only I could... I would kiss away all of your scars", Shuu confessed, leaning down a bit, to give the scars a closer look. He wasn't scared of the scars, they didn't disgust nor make him feel weird, he found them scary in a way of how could anyone do this to him and hurt him that way. 

But... aren't these scars a part of Karma now?...

Slowly, he placed one kiss after another onto the healing wounds and marks, giving Karma blushy cheeks, a few goosebumps since it tickled, and millions of butterflies inside of his stomach as Shuu continued to kiss around his waist softly. "Do they... go to our school?", here it comes, the overprotective boyfriend. "I don't remember... but they were for sure not from our school", Karma said this ina. shaking voice, trying to hide his blush. Shuu nodded a few times thinking while looking at the scars. "I still love you", he mumbled, giving the last scar one last kiss and putting the shirt back to its place, placing his own head gently onto his waist. Karma smiled sighing a bit, putting his hand onto Shuus head and stroking it.

((((Part where the topic scars ends)))))

"I love you too", the answer Shuu was waiting for, which made him smile, and then he looked up. ".........". Karma didn't even need to think about what Suu meant so he grinned, but he still decided to tease him a bit. "Are you implying that you want to kiss me?~". He sat up slightly, cupping Shuus cheeks and pulling himself closer to him, to place a kiss on his lips. Their lips were hot against each other, it felt too good to stop. Shuu felt Karmas breath against his skin and his lips, giving him shivers and he chuckled softly in between the kisses. Karma grinned a bit at the sight of Shuu chuckling. 

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now