Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday, Karma

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Shuu made a confused face, sitting up

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Shuu made a confused face, sitting up. "...Ah... right it's 8 p.m already-", he got up sighing, taking the package with the cake as well as a small bag which contained Karmas birthday present. "...Wait- ugly sweater...? Is this some foreign tradition or so...?", he decided to not think much of it, and picked one out that he didn't wear in years. "This should do", he mumbled looking at himself in the mirror. He then proceeded to get out of his house and rush over to Karma. He knocked on the door, but he didn't hear anything - he knocked again - nothing. The lights were on in Karmas house. 

...He isn't planning on scaring me right-

He slowly opened the door and peeked inside. "....Karma...?", he then saw him - he was standing a few meters away from the door, holding his hand up, holding something small in it, with a grin on his face. Shuu blinked confused, getting inside. "...Merry Christmas", he mumbled, a bit embarrassed, holding the gift for Karma behind his own back, putting it on a small table next to the table, as well as the cake.

"Merry Christmas Shuu", Karma answered, not moving. Shuu tilted his head to the side - not having the slightest idea what the hell Karma was doing so he walked over - Karma still didn't move. He then looked up at what Karma was holding. "...What's that?", silence.

He looked closer and noticing its mistletoe. Sadly, that boy didn't know what mistletoe is used for so they stood there for good 2 minutes, Karmas arm almost falling off. Then, it clicked. Shuu remembered watching those Christmas shows on TV a few years ago, and it was showed that in foreign countries, people kiss under the mistletoe on Christmas.

He blinked and blushed, "...Oh-", he then bit his lip, looking back at Karma, in whose eyes was relief that his boyfriend finally realized what he meant. "My arm is falling off, Shuu", Karma said in a jokingly-painful voice. Shuu slowly leaned forward, making their lips touch. He broke the kiss for a second to say something, "You're a Moron, do you know that?", he then kissed him again but Karma parted the kiss again to answer, "Absolutely", they both grinned in-between the kiss.


"What is it?", Karma was sitting on the couch, Shuu in front of him, holding something behind himself, clearly all excited. Karma chuckled and raised his eyebrow. "...", Shuu glanced at the clock, which was about to hit midnight in less than a minute.

There it was, the 25th of December, Karma's birthday. "Happy Birthday", he handed Karma the bag over and smiled a bit, trying to not show him his excitement.

Karma raised both of his eyebrows in surprise - for some reason he didn't think Shuu would give him anything, nor know it's his birthday today - after all, he himself totally forgot it's his birthday today, that's how much fun he had with his boyfriend.

He then smiled, "Ah! Woah, th- thank you!", he was really surprised, like really, REALLY surprised. "Open it", Shuus toes were slightly twitching from excitement. Karma grinned and chuckled, slowly opening the bag, he took each object out gently, looking at them. The first thing was the blue apron, Karma laughed, "What's with that?", "Your pink apron - It's hilarious and I love it but come on, Karma and a pink apron with a heart?? Please-", Shuu held back laughter, his lips twitching as he bit into them. 

"Ah~ I see~ Thank you~~", he grinned over to him and looked back into the bag. The next thing he took out were the spices, "Woah!", his eyes widened as he looked at the small containers, each containing a small number of different spices from around the world. "This is amazing, how did you- oh wait I told you lol", Karma answered his own question and Shuu shook his head chuckling. "Ohh!", he cheerfully squealed out at the sight of the Sonic Ninja Marathon DVD "Ahhh~ I was planning on getting it, but every time I tried to buy it, it was sold out~ Thank you so muchhh~ Ah you really know me well...", he smiled cheekily to himself and Shuu couldn't do otherwise than smile as well, he was so happy.

"Wait, before you get out the last gift," Shuu grabbed his own phone quickly and started recording. "Anddd go!", he mumbled from behind the camera, he was all shaky - that's how excited he was. Karma chuckled and nodded. He took the last gift out - it was beautifully wrapped in red decoration paper. "Oh?", he slowly took the wrapper off, trying not to rip it and revealed the final gift Shuu was so excited to give to him all week long but he had to wait. Karmas eyes widened again - but not like to the previous gift, bigger and they were shining. He finally saw the beautiful bracelet with the Rubin on it that Shuu got for him. He was speechless, he sat there with his mouth open, smiling like an idiot looking at the bracelet. 

"...Do you... like it?"

Karma looked up, "If I like it? Shuu, I absolutely love it - it's beautiful", he looked back at the bracelet taking a closer look. Shuus smile got brighter after hearing Karmas' words, making him way more excited than before, "I'm so glad you like it". Karma then proceeded to put the bracelet on his wrist, it fits perfectly on his skinny hand, the Rubin shining in the light of the lamps in the living room. Karma couldn't stop smiling and continuously looked at the bracelet. 

Shuu smiled, now reaching for the cake. "...I made you something". Karmas gaze went up from the bracelet and looked at the cake Shuu was holding, his face lit up again in happiness. "Awww Shuu~", he bit his lower lip excitedly. "...I promised myself to make it for you, so here it is". 

Karma grinned, "Ah~ A heart?~ Awww~", he continued grinning and Shuu curled his toes slightly and blushing furiously. "...Well- I thought it would be nicer than a round one-"

"I love you so much,", he then threw himself onto Shuu, and the video that Shuu took didn't come to an end, since his phone fell out of his hand onto the carpet out of the sudden attack of Karma. Karma wrapped his arms around Shuu, laying on top of him, placing kisses all over Shuus face. Shuu chuckled in response since it tickled but he also was happy. "Get off meeee~", Shuu teased. "No way!", Karma answered, placing more kisses on Shuus face and a final kiss on Shuus lips. "I seriously cannot express how much I love you, I swear", Karma whispered in-between the kiss which made Shuu chuckle again. "...I... I love you too...", Shuu answered, a bit embarrassed, his face flushed. Karma grinned, "Say that again?~"

"Ehhhh??~ noooo" Shuu refused to repeat what he has just said, it was embarrassing enough. "The gifts I gave you are the proof I love you - isn't that enough? So stop teasing m- UAh~", he felt a bite on his own neck, leaving shivers down his spine. "Ka-Karma-", he called out, his eyes widening and his face getting warmer. "Say it, Shuu. I want to hear you", he left another bite on Shuus neck, slowly moving to his collarbones. "Ah..~ N-No...", he was embarrassed to say it for some reason. Another kiss and bite, now on his collar. It didn't hurt obviously, it was just a big surprise to Shuu. "...K-Karma n... nooo...", he whispered, "You know that I don't express my love through words so let me be... AhH", and another bite. "I won't stop until you say 'I love you", he then left some kisses behind on the bite marks. "aH... Will you leave me alone if I say it?"

"I don't promise anything~"
"Karma, pleASE AH-", Bite after bite - this time Karma left two bites behind.

"No way, say it"
"...P-Please...", Shuu was shaking a bit - saying these words was so easy for some people, so why was it hard for him?
"Say it"

"Ahhh... f...fine... I..."

"...I love you" - these words caused a well, disaster. Karma made a living mess out of Shuu, leaving hickeys all around his chest and neck - Shuu knew that there was a catch if he said these words. 

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