Pizza time!

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The apron. Oh shit-

Shuu burst out laughing, holding his hand in front of his mouth, tears falling down his cheeks again, this time from laughing. Karma was overwhelmed that Shuu was laughing, but he was a hell of embarrassed. 

"Where did you even get that from you-", Shuu asked still laughing his ass off. Karma decided to tease him and grinned. "Sexy right?~ You should get one too", he suggested, raising an eyebrow seductively but jokingly. Shuus face flushed in pink color, slowly tilting his head down and inflating his cheeks slightly out of embarrassment. Karma chuckled making a spin in his fancy pink apron. "Let's gooo~", he took Shuus hand gently, making him follow behind into the kitchen. 

Shuu smiled, following behind, the smell of the mysterious dish hitting his nose. "What did you even make?", Shuu peeked from behind Karma curiously.

"Drumrolls pleaseee~", Karma made a drumroll effect with his hands on the table, before moving to the side and showing off what's in the oven. Shuus eyes widened a bit in surprise.

"Ohhhhhh I heard of this before and saw pictures of it as well. It's pizza", Shuu leaned down to look at it closer. Karma smiled in amusement.

Yay! He finally has an opportunity to try it! <3

"I never tried it before", Shuu admitted, a bit embarrassed. "I don't eat junk food", he said in a tone, as if Karma was eating junk food 24/7, but where is the lie, he probably is.

"Perfect, now you get to try it".

Karma took the pizza out of the oven, the hot air blowing into their faces. The smell was amazing, and Shuus face expressed it the best. He might have had the blankest face expression ever, but his eyes showed everything -they were glowing as if all of the stars were inside of his lavender violet eyes. So excited and childish-looking - so adorable. Karma thought, letting Shuu admire the pizza for a few more seconds.

"...It looks good", Shuu admitted leaning over it.

"You can judge it~", Karma grinned, grabbing a knife. Shuu followed the knife with his eyes as soon as Karma grabbed it, and he remembered the reason why he cried from before, but he tried to stay strong. The redhead cut the pizza into 8 pieces, taking out two plates.

"A weird but for some reason interesting thing about pizza that I've once heard, that apparently in Poland, people eat Pizza with ketchup - and it is supposed to taste good. But someone added that they have a different type of ketchup or so...", Karma said, placing a piece of Pizza onto the plates. Shuu raised an eyebrow. "Weird, but if they like it that way...", he tilted his head to the side thinking. "Yeah, lol", Karma took the plates, walking out of the kitchen, walking down the hallways, and turned left to the living room - Shuu following behind, making small ups and downs with his fingertips out of excitement for the food, but trying to hide the excitement before Karma flatters himself too much. 

Karmas living room was very traditional - The floors were covered in Tatami mats, the walls were Fusuma, which are Japanese sliding doors - they also had beautiful drawings of Japanese forests on them. To the left of the entrance, there were Built-in Shelves called Chigaidana, on which were placed a few vases and other decorations. In the middle of the room, there was a low table, a Kotatsu, and a few cushions around it, called Zabuton. Karmas parents still seemed to like modern styled living rooms, so there was a shelf with a television on it, and a small couch Infront. There were a few modern paintings on the walls. 

He placed the plates on the table. "Make yourself at home", he smiled at Shuu, and then he went back to the kitchen getting them something to drink and a bigger plate on which the whole pizza was placed and brought them over. 

Shuu walked around the living room, looking at the paintings and family photos. There was one family photo. It showed Karma with his parents. His mom is so pretty, Shuu admitted, noticing that she was the only one smiling in the picture. Karmas father seemed kind of rigid or stiff, he didn't smile and he kept a blank smile with focused eyes, he somehow looked as if he wanted to run back instantly into his office to continue working after the pictures were taken. His hand was placed onto Karmas shoulder from the left, almost gripping onto it, as if Karma wanted to run off. Lastly, he looked at his little redhead. His stare seemed blank too - no emotions at all. He looked straight into the camera, almost giving Shuu shivers. His red hair was brushed a bit back, with his uniform on. 

Was that at the beginning of the second or end of the second grade?? 

Shuu couldn't tell at all - the one thing that he has noticed is their heights. Karmas mom seemed a pretty small person, but she was a tall woman, about the same height as Karma. His father's case was different though. He is very tall, almost one and a half head taller than Karma. Since Karma is 175cm (5'9'') then if his head is around 20 cm and half of it is 10 cm so 30 cm taller... that makes him 205 cm (6'8'') tall! Shuu slapped his hand onto his mouth slightly in shock.  At that moment, Karma came back and put the stuff on the table.

Karma walked over to look at what Shuu was looking at. "Ah...", he thought back when they took that photo. "That was about a year ago or so, hah, can't remember", he said, his eyes focused on his father's stare. "I see," Shuu nodded slowly. "Let's eat before the food gets cold~", Karma announced clapping his hands together once and turning away from that picture. Shuu followed behind, sitting down on one of the cushions. Karma, sitting across from Shuu, clapped his hands for the second time today and thanked for the food. Shuu did the same, but when he was about to start eating the pizza, he didn't know how to start.

"...", "What's up?", Karma asked at the point where he was about to grab his piece of pizza.          "... how do you eat it", Shuu asked, grabbing the underside of the pizza, trying to bite the edge of the pizza and Karma burst out laughing. "Oh my Goddddd- okay so.", Karma snorted, trying to hold in his laughter, showing Shuu how to eat pizza. 

"I feel like I am teaching an alien", he mumbled grinning. "Shut up and just show me", Shuu grunted. "You grab your pizza by the edge, like this... then you start from the bottom and eat it all the way up, and at the end, you eat the crust. Of course, there are people who start from the crust but come on, it's difficult since sometimes the ingredients might fall off easily, so that's why we start from the bottom", he explained and showed him.

"I see...", Shuu looked at the pizza focused. "It's also more comfortable to hold onto the crust anyway. Come on, try it", he added biting into it.

Shuu slowly brought the pizza to his mouth, gently biting off the beginning of it, with the salami and vegetables. His eyes widened again, with a sparkling effect. He looked so enchanted with this, that he completely ignored Karma, who thought it would be a great idea to record Shuu eating a pizza for the first time. He tried to laugh in silence while Shuu took another bite.        „Ne~ How is it?"

".................Okay, I hate to admit it, but this is the best thing I've ever eaten in my entire life", Shuu hardly admitted, blushing a bit, making Karma grin in amusement. 

"Let me spoil you with everything you enjoy and love, till my last breath". Shuu blushed a bit more looking at Karma. 


"I promise." - they both smiled at each other and the video ended that Karma recorded.

After finishing the pizza they decided to turn on the TV and sit on the couch. Karma got up walking over to the couch. "Shuu~", he called for him while laying down. Shuu got up, putting the empty plates together on the table and walking over to Karma. Karma patted his own chest and opened his arms so Shuu can lay down in them. Shuu did as Karma and he himself wanted and laid down in Karmas arms, wrapping his own around Karma from behind. The TV was running in the background, but none of these two were listening nor watching it - both of them were overthinking the situation that has taken place earlier. Karma then decided to speak up. 

"...Do you... want to talk about it?''

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