Wealthy Homes

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Few hours later, he felt like eating something so he went to his kitchen. Of course, to make things worse for Gakushuu, as he was making himself something to eat, right in front of him, was also an window, which had the perfect view to look inside of Karmas livingroom. ,,Are you fucking kidding me.'' He cursed out, clearly annoyed of what is happening since he came back home. From the outside and my point of view where I am living this house looks nice, cosy and traditional. It has been built with white stones and has mahogany wooden decorations. Tall, half rounded windows allow enough light to enter the home and have been added to the house in a very symmetric way... I like it a lot. His parents have good taste. If I am guessing right from my knowledge and what I've heard what the students have said a few times about his house is that he apparently has a quite modern and big kitchen connected to the living and dining room. It has (as I've heard) 3 bathrooms, as well as 5 bedrooms which is kind of surprising, as Karma doesn't have any siblings nor do they have any guests over. Also what I've heard, they have a small library which is kind of impressive, but I won't say I am very surprised, both of our houses are pretty wealthy build. Shuu thought to himself as he bit into his sandwich. He then went to his living room again to read a manga. ,,I bet Karma reads Mangas as well, probably some dumb as hell mangas" he mumbled as he chuckled. ...Wait. Why do I even care?!

He stood up, threw the plate into the sink, and it broke. ,,Shit'' he cursed out and went to clean it up. ,,Fucking Akabane.".

[Back to Karma]

He knew that Gakushuu has been watching him from his own house the whole day, and so did he himself. He watched almost every move Shuu did when he didn't watch him. It was already dark outside, Shuu's room was slightly lightened up by a lamp by his desk. Karma watched the studying Shuu who was sitting by his desk concentrated. He smirked leaning back on his chair, bitting on the straw of his strawberry milk.

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