You are INSANE

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Sadly, Karma and Asano didn't have the opportunity to hang out much that week where they were taking these mock exams, Koro-Sensei was running around the classroom like crazy to keep everyone motivated, Karma fell asleep during some lessons, but he still managed to learn a lot, since he didn't want to end up on the second place.

Gakushuu on the other hand was not only stressing out about the exams but as well as thinking about what gift he should buy for Karma.

Sitting in the classroom, everyone sweating over the mock tests, but there he was Gakushuu, lost in his thoughts, he might be filling out his papers, but deep down he cared more about the gift.

...What does he even like-...


Oh my God- I have no idea what he likes- his eyes ripped open a bit, his pen dropped onto the desk and the teacher that was supervising them looked up. "Asano-kun. Is everything alright?".

He looked up as well, in slight panic but he tried to keep calm. "I- Uhm, need to use the restroom, please", he found a random excuse and stood up, his phone in his pocket.

"Go on"

He bowed as a ‚thank you' and rushed out. Finally arriving in the bathroom, he took his phone out.

...It will be suspicious if I ask him like that...

He thought for a short moment.

I know. Rio.

He, as the school president owned most of the phone numbers of the pupils, as well as the 3-E class. Rio's phone number popped up. Stop.




She doesn't even know we are dating.

He facepalmed. I am a mess, I am a mess...

He stuffed his phone back into his pocket, leaning against a wall in the bathroom stall, thinking.

He once mentioned that he likes spicy food... so in conclusion spices? Does he collect any?... He also likes to play pranks on people... Maybe a gift from these weird ‚prank-shops' I see around the area?... Goodness, it's hard choosing a gift for someone. Especially Karma.

The lessons went by, and it was time to go back home. The moment Shuu was walking out, Karma was running down the mountain. No wonder he ran, going up that mountain is about 1km one way - by running he will be down here quickly.

The thing is, Karma didn't seem to stop running - instead, he sped up. Shuus eyes have widened at the sight of his grinning boyfriend, running directly at him. Thankfully, most of the people were gone so it wasn't that hard for Asano, but the fact Karma was running full speed at him was terrifying. "Oh God- Oh gOD- KARMA NOOO!!!", he started backing away, and then he started to run off, Karma speeding after him.

(A/N: Please, just, look at them, I love these dorks so much 😭💕👉👈 But imagine how terrifying that must have looked in Shuu's eyes 😭😭 I cried like 3992347234 times while writing this from laughing)

"GAKUSHUU I AM COMING FOR YOU!!!", it's not like Karma was speeding up - he couldn't stop.

He accelerated with such speed from the very top of the mountain, Shuu was surprised that his boyfriend did not stumble and ate dirt while running down the mountain. And here was the problem that because of this momentum, it was not possible to stop, so the first thing Karma chose as his 'wall' or 'stop' was his boyfriend, Gakushuu Asano.

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