Ending I - part 1

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Time skip - from now on, everything is Shuus point of view

I, myself couldn't believe that the two of us would make it as a couple all the way to college - it was our 7th anniversary this year, well more like last year since it's January now and it's our third year of college - and if I look back, pretty much nothing has changed - maybe our looks a bit, since we got taller, Karma was a bit taller than me and with every year, he turned more handsome to the point I sometimes can't take it. I also have been acting way out of character lately, I am a whole different person at home than I am at school.

"Shuu~", I heard Karmas voice from afar coming closer. I was standing by my locker to get my books out for my next class. Karma and I have different majors, but we still happen to hang out pretty often - after all, we decided to move in together in a small apartment near our college, it's more affordable and since Karma is getting more and more clingy, he wouldn't stand it living away from me - so we moved in together.

"Oh?~ What do we have here?~", he was referring to the bracelet I wore that he gave me on my birthday back in High School in our last year. It was a 'lock and key - Bracelet', where Karma had a key necklace to it, and I had the lock bracelet on my wrist, which could only be opened by the key around Karmas neck. Basically, he had the 'key to my heart' that's what he called it, at least, since the lock was in a shape of a small heart.

I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. "I- I'm wearing this for good 4 years straight since you never let me unlock it", "Hey~ As soon as I unlock it, I'll lose ya~ And we don't want that~". I shook my head at his cheeky response and sighed with a soft smile under my breath looking back into my locker.

I got the rest of my books out, closed my locker, and looked back at Karma who was silent for the time where I was busy with my books. He seemed to be staring at something, so I raised an eyebrow at him, turning around to look at what he was looking at - but nothing nor no-one was there so I looked back at him, snapped my fingers and he finally snapped out of it. "A-Ah- sorry I zoned out", he laughed a bit. I nodded in response and we went back to our classes, obviously saying 'goodbye' by giving each other a quick kiss behind a book I'm always holding up, every time this Moron feels like giving me a kiss in a public place.

My classes were super long that day - I hate Wednesdays. Karma, on the other hand, finishes earlier than I do, his schedule is pretty weird but it works. He usually has classes very early in the morning, and I have them in the noon, so we only see each other when he goes home and I'm going to school. Either way, I came back to our apartment and opened the door, the moment I came in, a very nice smell hit my nose and I had to take a deep breath - food. 

Our kitchen was on the right, next to the main entrance, and on the left was our bedroom. If you go straight through the corridor, you'll get to our living room and from which you can walk to the bathroom. Our living room has a dining table for around 4 people, a big sofa - ...don't ask why. A TV obviously and by the wall with two large windows are our two study desks. We also have a small standing straw curtain, we used it when we studied for exams to not distract each other, but over time we forgot to use it, so it only stands there as decoration.

I peeked into the kitchen where Karma was standing. There was something boiling in the pot next to him that smelled amazing. He, on the other hand, was humming a tune under his breath and wandering around the kitchen, to the counters, back to the fridge, to the sink, and again and again, constantly adding some vegetables and other spices to the looking and smelling like broth for ramen dish.

I smiled a bit - I liked Karmas cooking, especially after a long day of college, where I felt like dying. I took off my jacket and shoes and put my bag on the floor by our bedroom door. I didn't go in yet to the kitchen, since I might startle Karma - he didn't seem to notice I came in so I said while taking off my jacket, "I'm home", and I saw him smile from the side when I came into the kitchen. I sighed, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking over his shoulder slightly.

Woahhh~ the food looks so good T^T~

"I felt like eating ramen with you", Karma said turning his head to me and smiled. "Mhm, then you felt right because I'm starving,", Karma chuckled and put a small kiss on my forehead. "The broth will need a little more to cook - probably a good hour or more."

I'm not saying I'm Mr. Perfect, but sometimes I also like to mess with Karma. "Hm?~ Is that so?", I said and turned him towards me by his shoulders. He looked at me suspiciously, and I leaned forward to kiss his lips. He wasn't that taller than me, but I had to lift my chin up a bit, every time I was giving him a kiss. 

"Wanna... do something while the broth cooks...?", I asked him, looking at the collar of his shirt, losing it up a bit, and then looking back at him, I gave him a mysterious but still innocent smile, and he grinned down at me. "Hm?~ Don't you have an exam next week?", he teased and I raised an eyebrow, "Don't ruin the mood, Idiot", I managed to take his grey shirt off, letting it fall on the kitchen floor. He chuckled, leaning forwards so that we stumbled out of the kitchen. 

"Where?", he whispered into my ear and I didn't even need to think, so I instantly whispered back, "The couch".

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