Ending I - part 10 (Final chapter of Ending I)

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I woke up feeling so sore, I let out a gasp while sitting up slightly.

What happened last night again?...

"Karma! aHH~ Karma!!", ...ah- right. Heh.

The sun was long up, shining through the window and the blinds were pulled up by Karma before I even woke up. I glanced over at the small clock on my bedside table, trying to read the numbers on it. I was surprised I woke up before 1 p.m after well- being busy with Karma for most of the night.

I then turned my head to the left side of our bed, where Karma always sleeps - but he wasn't there, his bedside was made and my side was a mess. I also noticed the covers were changed and I was sleeping in fresh pajamas.

I smiled a bit and stretched - at least I tried to, in the end, I laid back down, burying my face in the soft pillows, kicking the covers off myself.

"Shuu~", I heard Karma whisper out in a cheerful voice, his head peeking through the small gap in the door, smiling at me. I looked at him with one eye, one hand stretched out for him but he just chuckled, "Ya hungry?~ What would you like to eat?~", I wasn't the person to tease back in the morning, but today was an exception, so I replied, "you".

He rolled his eyes and grinned a bit. "Naughty~ But nope~ Something that is actually edible", "Meh, mood ruiner - but fine. Hm... I want something sweet".

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "oh, that's unusual but oh well - is there something specific that you're craving?"


"ah Shuu come on", I gave him a grin hiding my face again in the pillow with a chuckle.

"Hm~ Cinnamon rolls", I replied a moment later.

"You hate cinnamon-"

"Not anymore~", Karma let out a 'pff' sound and chuckled afterward, "Are you pregnant or something?", he joked around almost breaking out in laughter.

I raised my head, "...What if" - I questioned, with a straight, almost terrified look on my face.

"Shuu", he looked at me with a look, literally saying that I went insane, but he grinned.

"What IF"

"There is no 'what if' "

"But there might be a possibility after last night- so what IF-"

"Shuu- No-"

"...But- But what IF-"

"Okayy~ Cinnamon rolls it is~"

"IT WOULD BE FUN TO HAVE A BABY THOUGH, DON'T YOU THINK??", Karma let out a snort walking to the kitchen, "Whatever you sayyy~", he clearly ignored me, pf.

"I wouldn't mind having one", I added, him turning his head a bit, "You can't even take care of yourself, what do you want to start with a kid?", ...he has got a point- but still.

"I mean-", I crawled out of bed, walking over to the door, and forward to the kitchen, clinging myself to Karma, wrapping my arms around his waist and putting my head on his shoulder with a sigh.

"...I mean, it won't hurt to try to make one~". Karma burst out laughing, almost dropping the spoon he was holding, onto the floor. "And you were called the smartest student in probably the entire prefecture? They should see you now-", he held back another laughter.

"Still, won't hurt to try~", I teased but he just grinned and shook his head, whispering 'You're unbelievable'. "Hm~ What can I say, I am addicted to you, after all~", I grinned, looking at him from the side, him just giving me a quick look from the side of his eye as well, grinning a bit and then looking back at what he was doing, "So am I to you".

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