I can't handle it at all

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"You... You have a boyfriend?", it was the boy from before.  Now that the lights had gone white, he could see him more clearly. 

He was about 5-7 cm smaller than the two males, he had bleached blond hair, almost white, piercing blue eyes, and a few piercings on his ear. He looked very foreign, but at the same time, he looked like he was Japanese. 

Maybe he is mixed? Shuu asked himself. "I uh, uhm well yeah-", Shuu didn't really know what to answer, and that was probably the first time he had stuttered. "So I've sacrificed myself for nothing, just to find out that you are taken? Lame", he gave Karma a stare, looking him up and down, and then he walked away. Karma held back a laugh.

 "What the hell was that-„ 

"Ah...", Shuu let out a confused sigh. 

"... let's just go-", Shuu mumbled, grabbing Karmas arm and pulling onto it, making Karma follow him. 

"Pffff- that was hilarious hahaha", Karma said as they were standing at the price stand after Karmas team has won. "Shut it.", "What? Do you actually feel bad? You usually reject people in school and so on. Haven't you noticed how many hearts you've broken? So inconvenient, you should've broken their legs, they have 206 of them - and they have just one heart", Karma said, somehow sounding convincing for some reason. Shuu looked at him, not really knowing if that was meant as a lesson for life or just another one of karmas dumb jokes. 

"......" he didn't say anything. 

„Oh- OHHHHH so you actually feel bad??? Damn, don't feel bad for him, you don't even know this dude, after all. You have a boyfriend.", Karma said in a very jealous-sounding voice, grabbing onto Shuu's hand as they stood in line for the prices. Shuu looked down at their hands, holding onto it tighter and then looking back up. "...And, you lost anyway. So it's no big deal if he has sacrificed himself or not - it's just a game, chill", Karma wanted to add this as well to end his speech. Shuu shook his head. 

Should I feel sorry? I mean, Karma is right, it's just a game, I don't even know this dude, and the most important thing is, I have a boyfriend. 

With these thoughts he shook his head, managing to forget about the boy and focus on Karma.

They picked up the price which was a ticket to an amusement park - Disney. Karma received two tickets since he was the leader.

"Uuu~ Shuu~", he grinned over at him showing him the tickets.

"No way"

"Eh? Like hell way! We have to go!!", Karma pulled onto Shuus arm as they were going out of the hall.



"Because it's for kidsss"

"And what are we???"


"But come on!! It will be funnnnn", Karma pouted.

"...But what do you even wanna do there"

"Uh- Have fun? Have you never been to an amusement park before?"


"....REALLY??? Then that's the perfect opportunity for you! There is so much good food and attractions- ........at least that's what I've heard"

"Wait, what do you mean by ‚at least that's what I've heard?"

"Well, I never went there either- My mom wanted to take me there many times, but dad said they were busy with work soooooo yeah. But that's fine because I can experience my first time at an amusement park with you", Karma explained, clearly smiling to himself, all excited - Shuu couldn't help himself, but smile at the sight of Karma smiling as well, being excited for their day at the amusement park.

Wait, is this another date again?... And did I just agree with that smile? Damnnit-

They walked in silence for a few minutes, in comfortable silence, both of them looking around exploring the place they were at. "Where do you want to go to eat?", Shuu asked, breaking the silence.

"Hmmm... To be honest with you, I don't know haha, since I don't really know what you like when it comes to food. You don't seem to eat much sweet stuff, not anything spicy"

"Oh I can't handle spices at all"

"Ah~ What a shame~", Karma grabbed something in his pocket, slowly pulling it out, turning to face Shuu and as well slowly starting to get more closer to him. "Karma- What are you doing-", Shuu touched the metal railing on the small brick wall with his back, his body leaning beyond it, and on the other side of the wall, there was the sea. Of course, it wasn't the sea that was the problem, but the fact that there was a chasm behind Shuu's back and he would have fallen into it if not for a wall and a metal barrier. Karma took a small tube of wasabi out of his pocket, grinning. "KarMA-", Shuu had the feeling of almost falling. Karmas arm wandered behind Shuus back, holding onto him tightly so there was no way he would fall. His other hand leaned closer to Shuus nose, the wasabi was slowly flowing out of the tube. "I'll punch you- please don't-". The second the wasabi was about to touch Shuus nose, Karma pulled it back to himself, closing the tube and putting it back into his pocket grinning again. 

"Ah~ I hate it that you still don't trust me", "Like hell I would! You have almost put wasabi up my damn nose! The hell is wrong with you", Shuu pinched Karmas ear, so hard that it started to turn as red as Karmas hair. 

"Ai ai ai AIIII-", Karma softly screamed out as Shuu pinched on his ear harder and harder. "Ahhh Okay I won'ttt but please let go- ah...", the last ah. Shuu stopped instantly after the last sound. His face flushed and he swallowed his saliva down. 

That was very amusing for some reason. 

He put his arm slightly over his mouth to cover his blushing face. Karma seemed to notice quickly what has happened and he leaned over to Shuus ear.

Shuu's face went redder and his eyes widened a bit.

"DON'T JUST MOAN INTO MY EAR-", Shuu screeched out, all red and embarrassed.

"Hm?~ But does it matter?~ You'll have to hear it one day anyway, not just once", he whispered that into Shuu's ear too.


"Yes, I love you too"

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now