...Wait, I'm your first?

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Karma wrapped his arms around me in a moment and I let my head rest upon his chest while laying with my whole body on him, just my right leg was on the mattress. All my thoughts stopped as if my heart took over from my head when we were close.

Next, he squeezed me gently, as if he needed to check I was really there with him, really there and really real... and I was, body and soul there with him. The both of us were still gasping for air, especially me who was more than exhausted - I felt my body collapse on Karmas, soon after we finished. He ran his hands across my arms, his chest lifting itself up and down, and I could perfectly hear his heartbeat. 

"You're an Idiot, I love you". I heard Karma chuckle, but he didn't seem to want to tease me with the 'I love you', so he just giggled, "I love you too", he stroked over my head with his hand, we were both facing the window, looking at the moon that was shining through it. I then looked up at him, his golden eyes meeting mine, and I felt like nothing would be able to get through my mouth if he keeps on looking at me like that. 

"Hey, look away, I am embarrassed", I covered his eyes quickly and my face flushed. He chuckled again, getting my hands out of his face and kissing my knuckles softly. I rolled my eyes and chuckled too.

I laid my head back down on his chest, "...Ugh... I need a shower so badly, but I'm sure that as soon as I get up, I'll fall over - I can't even sit properly", I complained letting out a devastating moan. "Hah~ I told you not to worry about it~", Karma stroked Shuus back, making small circles with it. "But I feel weird-", "One day you will feel this way again, so you better get used to it". 

Shuu dropped a big 'huh?!' from his mouth and looked back at Karma with surprise and a blushing face, to which Karma smirked and shook his head, "I'm joking, calm down" - the response made Shuu more shocked. 

".........What do you mean by you're joking...?", he raised an eyebrow suspiciously at Karma. Karma obviously thought all of this through and grinned again, "Oh?~ So you DO want to do it again?~", he teased Shuu and then Shuu realized what Karma meant - he wanted to see how Shuu would react to saying he is joking about doing it once again - he felt his face flush and he looked away. 

"...Hm?~ What is it?~", "I'm embarrassed, that's what it is", he hid his face in Karmas chest and Karma started laughing because of what Shuu said and also that Shuus hair tickled him on his bare chest. "Ahh", Shuu lifted his head up, then trying to sit up by crawling away from Karma backwards and sitting down on the side of the bed, his back facing Karma. He tried to stretch a little, by making left to right motions with his upper-body, and inhaling as much air as he can into his lungs, arching his back. 

Karma obviously enjoyed the performance and grinned while staring at Shuus arched back. There were some kisses left behind, as they as well did it from the back - obviously, Karma wouldn't let it pass if they didn't do it. "Your back... you look like a ladybug, Shuu~", Karma teased, his hand reaching out to touch Shuus back and Shuu flinched slightly. 

"Nooooo....", Shuu sounded devastated, since he just figured out that Karma left kisses all around his body. He looked down to his thighs, they were covered in hickeys - aaaaaa Karmaaa!!!

He grabbed his own underwear, putting it back on, and sitting back down.

"I can't believe I'm lost my virginity to a Moron", he threw himself back onto the soft mattress and Karma leaned over chuckling, "I mean, so did I- except you aren't a Moron," he kissed Shuus cheeks softly. Shuu turned his face to the right to face Karma, "...? Wait, I'm your first?", he asked with a surprised face. 

Karma held back a laugh, "Well duh? What do you take me for?", he then burst out laughing. "I mean- I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't your first", Shuu mumbled - clearly confessing that he found Karma attractive. 

Karma grinned, "Oh?~ You think I'm attractive enough to make someone sleep with me?~ Ah Shuu~", he chuckled wrapping his arm around him, and Shuu covered his face with his hands, 

"Leave me aloneeeeee"

"Oh? You want me to leave?"

"What? No! Sit your ass down" - Karma was confused whenever he should leave or not so he just laughed it off. 

He leaned closer to the strawberry blond's ear and whispered, "Wanna take a bath together?". Shuu turned his head to Karma and nodded after a few seconds of looking into his eyes, "...yeah". They quickly got up, Karma putting his underwear on and Shuu put on a shirt - Karmas' shirt to be exact. They were very similar, but he didn't mind wearing his boyfriend's one. They trotted towards the bathroom, Shuu slightly limping which Karma found amusing while walking behind him.

Arriving in the bathroom, Shuu turned on the water that was slowly pouring into the tub and turned to the mirror that was in front of it. Karma was standing there, leaning against the sink, grinning a bit. "...what?", Shuu tilted his head to the side, his body slightly crooked to one side. "...", he then blushed and tried to stand up straight, but instead, he moaned out in slight pain, "ah shit" and then he limped over to Karma who was holding his arms for him. They wrapped their arms around each other, Shuu looking at himself in the mirror during the hug. "Mhh~ I love youuu~", Karma reminded his boyfriend for probably the 15th time today - it's almost 2 am, which means the day has just begun. Shuu put his head on Karmas shoulder sighing - he didn't need to answer, Karma knew that he loved him. 

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now