𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐈 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞.

510 21 157

Walking down the aisle, stepping up these three steps to continue a future - with you. 

You hold my hand and I hold yours, these two words are all I need to hear from you to know I am yours and you are mine.

I, myself couldn't believe that the two of us would make it as a couple all the way to college - it was our 7th anniversary this year, well more like last year since it's January now and it's our third year of college - and if I look back, pretty much nothing has changed - maybe our looks a bit, since we got taller, Karma was a bit taller than me and with every year, he turned more handsome to the point I sometimes can't take it. I also have been acting way out of character lately, I am a whole different person at home than I am at school.

"Shuu~", I heard Karmas voice from afar coming closer. I was standing by my locker to get my books out for my next class. Karma and I have different majors, but we still happen to hang out pretty often - after all, we decided to move in together in a small apartment near our college, it's more affordable and since Karma is getting more and more clingy, he wouldn't stand it living away from me - so we moved in together.

"Oh?~ What do we have here?~", he was referring to the bracelet I wore that he gave me on my birthday back in High School in our last year. It was a 'lock and key - Bracelet', where Karma had a key necklace to it, and I had the lock bracelet on my wrist, which could only be opened by the key around Karmas neck. Basically, he had the 'key to my heart' that's what he called it, at least, since the lock was in a shape of a small heart.

I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. "I- I'm wearing this for good 4 years straight since you never let me unlock it", "Hey~ As soon as I unlock it, I'll lose ya~ And we don't want that~". I shook my head at his cheeky response and sighed with a soft smile under my breath looking back into my locker.

I got the rest of my books out, closed my locker, and looked back at Karma who was silent for the time where I was busy with my books. He seemed to be staring at something, so I raised an eyebrow at him, turning around to look at what he was looking at - but nothing nor no one was there so I looked back at him, snapped my fingers and he finally snapped out of it. "A-Ah- sorry I zoned out", he laughed a bit. I nodded in response.

If only I knew from that moment - I regret not paying much attention to you in our last year of college - I should have watched more carefully - I should have paid more attention not just to you, but as well as to your surroundings; that way this would never happen. Why was I so stupid for thinking you would never leave me behind? What was I thinking?

But here you are, here I am, standing by your left side, almost behind you, but not really; watching your eyes which gaze into the distance when the big brown doors opened, your eyes have widened - A the sight of...


She walked down the aisle, her father walking by her right side, her heart beating on the left side, so by standing to her groom's right, she will from the moment they kiss, be his right hand in their marriage. She was wearing a long white dress, with music filling the air; in her hands, there was a bouquet, full of red roses and yellow tulips - small white ribbons hanging from it. Her smile was brighter than any star, which will light up his future.

He extended his hands towards her gently, her delicate hand touched his, their fingers curled together - holding hands, they stood on the altar, staring into each other's eyes. Her eyes were filled with love and happiness, and his smile showed a promise that would be made soon.

I heard and saw them say their marriage vows, the ring in his hand slid onto the slender finger of the woman standing in front of him, and the ring in her hand was put on his. Her fingers stroked his hands as they brought their faces closer, and closer to each other.

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now