"Young love is beautiful - enjoy and cherish it as much as you can."

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"Beans~ beans~", Karma hummed in front of him, leaning on the shopping cart, walking very slowly looking around, Shuu behind him with a basket in his hand and a shopping list in the other, shaking his head at his boyfriend at how ridiculous and pathetic he looked right now - cute.

"...Have you already thought of an idea for our date?"

"Hm... Now that I really think of it, there is an icerink somewhere around here - not sure where but I saw a brochure on a pole.", Shuu replied looking at his shopping list. "Ohhh I know which one - let's go there then", Karma seemed excited, as he made small hops to the left and right. "Do you even know how to skate...?", Shuu asked, clearly concerned. "........", Silence.


"..." Still silence.


"oKAY okay. I can't skate", Karma made a quick motion by looking down, his hair softly falling behind back on his head - Shuu chuckled a bit sadistically.

"What do you even have to buy?", Shuu asked after a few minutes of silence and searching for his own stuff. "I'm going to make a cake,", "Oh, interesting. What flavor?" "Strawberry~", Karma replied with a cheeky grin on his face looking over at his boyfriend. "Ah yeah, I could've foreseen it..." 

Crap... I wanted to make a cake for his birthday- maybe he is doing a Christmas cake for his parents? I shouldn't ask him for what occasion he is doing one - he might think I don't know that it's his birthday soon or something like that.

He just grinned and continued strolling forwards in between the alleys.

They finished their shopping and went outside. "I'll go now, send me a message when you'll be home so you can come over, alright?", Karma said giving Shuu a soft 'boop' with his own forehead against his. Shuu shook his head smiling and sighed, "I will don't worry". There were many people around them, but Karma didn't seem to mind and gave his boyfriend a soft kiss on the lips and backed away quickly. "...Hey- Don't just give me a kiss in public like that - you know how people react to this, especially Japanese people", Shuu gave him a warning but Karma brushed it off and smiled, "It's fineee so don't worry~ Bye Bye Shuu~ See you in a bit~", and with this he turned away, going back home. I love him.


Shuu has managed to find some nice stuff in a shop nearby - A few spices that didn't seem to be very common in Japan and while walking past a shelf, he noticed aprons. He chuckled to himself silently after remembering Karmas pink one, Where did he even get it? It made him chuckle more, so he hid his mouth in his scarf. "That one is pretty...", he mumbled while holding onto a spruce-colored apron. 

I think I'll buy it for him - after all, he cooks and bakes a lot, and that pink apron is hilarious. 

He decided to buy the spices and the apron. This isn't enough. He went into a different shop again, this time it was an electrical store. He walked through alleys filled with DVDs.

I'm not sure about the choice... Karma said he liked superhero movies? Sonic Ninja, right?

As he took a closer look at the shelf, he spotted the Sonic Ninja marathon DVD. 

Does he already have it? I'm not sure ... Maybe I'll just buy it, and when it turns out that he already has it, I will just give it back and come here with him, he will choose something else. He took the DVD and rushed over to the cash register. Ahh... I still feel like this isn't enough. 

He felt horrible, he was on the edge of having a mental breakdown. Walking around the crowded shops, he spotted a small gift shop on the edge of the street. Interested, he walked over and saw a rotating display stand with necklaces, earrings, and other accessories. A woman probably in her 80's sitting behind a table smiled at him. 

"Are you looking for a present for someone?" In a surprise, Shuu looked at her because she guessed correctly even though he hadn't said anything yet. "A-Ah... yeah That's right - I'm looking for a gift for my bo- uh, for someone who is very important to me.", he quickly corrected himself, coughing gently. The woman nodded, smiling, and stood up. She glanced at the orange-haired young man. "... If this is a gift for your significant other, I have to analyze you first and then choose the perfect gift." She glanced up at him again, top to bottom and back up, staring at his eyes. 

"You are the more composed type of person, you do not show your love in the way of speech, but in affection - you show love through material things and deeds. On the other hand, your other half is a person who is not very able to control his feelings - he shows his love in the way of speech and deeds. So different, yet still the same as two drops of water. Your partner is a person you trust - you have no secrets from each other, and you spend a lot of time together..." while saying that, she turned to a small casket standing on her table and started looking for something. 

"Ah! Look, my boy... Ruby. Ruby is considered to be the most powerful gem in the universe. Given as a gift, the ruby is a symbol of friendship and love. It encourages passion and a zest for life. It improves motivation and setting realistic goals. This stone is the symbol of vitality and royalty. The gem also helps sexual love to be more passionate. Ruby gives the courage to be the best potential that a person has, while encouraging self-love... on a black leather bracelet with a hook closure and this ruby ​​bead will be the perfect gift for your partner. ", the wise woman said, putting the bracelet in Shuu's hand give him a better look at it. "...It's beautiful...", Shuu confessed smiling under his breath with the already imagined scene where Karma will unpack the gift.

"I'm sure the bracelet is expensive, but it's beautiful and I'm ready to pay as much as you wish for it.", Shuu was ready for anything. The woman giggled, "Young love is beautiful - enjoy and cherish it as much as you can. And the bracelet is not that expensive, only 1739.88 (~ 16$; 13.45€), and it is a real ruby ​​bead," said the woman. "Perfect. Would you be able to pack this bracelet for me?"

"But of course, what color of packaging would you like?" She replied with a smile and started packing. "Red, red is probably going to be perfect." The woman glanced at the young man with a suspicious grin. Shuu turned red and was shaking his hands in front of himself as a misunderstanding. "No-No! I chose red because of the color of this person's hair...", he blushed even more and looked away. The woman chuckled and finished packing her bracelet.

"Thank you very much," he thanked Shuu and bowed. "The pleasure is mine, I hope your boyfriend will like the bracelet." Shuu's eyes widened a little. "I-I didn't tell you about-" 

"Dear, it's logical and you don't have to hide it~ You're really cute and I'm sure your boyfriend is very happy to have you~ Now go, I am sure that you will see each other today" The woman replied with a bright smile, gently poking Shuu with her own shoulder against his teasingly and he blushed. "...T-Thank you!", He made a bow once more, smiled a bit embarrassed but still happy, and set off on his way home.

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