No one will know.

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The next morning, around 6:20 Karma woke up, but not in a way of getting up - he wanted to wake up early to take some pics of Shuu who was still asleep to tease him with these later on. Just the moment he was taking some pics, his phone made noises which made Shuu turn around and face Karma - still asleep. sHUT UP PHONE- Karma panicked and thought to himself. He decided to wake his boyfriend up, even though he was sure he still wanted to get some rest. He leaned over him, slowly getting closer to his boyfriend's neck - he wanted to kiss him there. 

Kissing his neck was somehow the sweet way we began this journey, feeling how that little tickle opened his heart, but as well as his eyes. The moment Karma saw those lavender purple eyes made his heart beat faster. Those delicately underlined lids of his in the morning made him look tired but also ready to start his day. He wasn't sure if his boyfriend was aware that he had woken up a bit, because a few seconds after he opened his eyes, he closed them again, he stretched and rolled over, his lower body curved into Karma, leaving no space between them. There was blush on Karma's face.

Even though we have very similar bodies, similar build, height, and weight - Shuu's figure was more delicate and smaller for some reason - His arms were perfectly suited to his height, just looking at him it seemed that he had weak arms, but my god, you should see him at PE. He had a beautiful waistline, all the way to his chest, as I noticed a few days ago when he sat on me in a towel with softly formed pectoral muscles. His long, skinny but still very strong legs with a soft line of muscles made him look very mature for some reason - which I find very attractive. His back was pressed against my hips - he probably did so unknowingly.

Shuu seemed to kick the covers off his body during the night - he is a hot sleeper. Karma found it amusing since Shuu's shirt kept on rolling up, showing his waist slightly which he decided to touch - he couldn't help it, he needed to. Shuu let out a small sigh when Karma touched his waist with his slightly cold fingers, but still staying asleep. He looked at the clock and it seemed that Shuu's alarm goes off in around 30 minutes. 

Welcome to hell, Shuu, Karma thought to himself teasingly, slowly turning Shuu back to face him, wrapping his arms around him, waiting for his strawberry-blond boyfriend to notice it's getting hot and make him wake up with this method. Not even a few minutes have passed, Shuu started to sigh even stronger every few seconds, slowly lifting his chest up to get some cold air. Karma grinned, waiting for him to wake up. 

"...Mh...", Shuu let out some noises, wanting to get free from Karma's hug but after trying a few times - he finally opened his eyes to check what's going on. He bit his lip together, then yawned and tried to proceed who is lying beside him. "Good morning Pumpkin pie~", Karma hummed and Shuu blinked. "Uahh- It's so hottt let me go Akabaneee", Shuu moaned out trying to get free. "Aww~ Not even a good morning kiss?~ Come on, give me a kiss and you'll be free", Karma suggested and Shuu raised an eyebrow at him. "No." "Ahh, why?~" "Because.", Shuu slapped his hand onto Karma's kiss mouth and Karma widened his eyes chuckling. "Come on, we have to get up." "No, I'm not letting you go... It's too early to get out of bed", Karma grunted into the pillow, pulling Shuu closer. "Nooooo", trying to get free, Shuu wiggled his legs and clung to the edge of the bed. "Let meeeee gooooooo, Karmaaaa", he warned trying to roll out of bed. 

He managed to get free, Karma not being able to catch him the second he got free, and looked up from his pillow. "Nooo it's too cold! Come back here!" Karma whined and Shuu got up. "No. I need to get ready", he runs to the bathroom closing the door behind him, leaving Karma with his arm stretched out in his direction speechless. 

Moron. Shuu thought to himself, slightly grinning and then starting to get ready for school. Brushing his orange hair slowly, parting it in some places, making it look messy but at the same time very charming. It might not be expected, but Shuu actually has a skin routine, he uses many products to keep his skin soft and clear - like facemasks, special soaps, and creams. His school uniform was laying on a shelf in the bathroom, ready for Shuu to put it on. Sometime later, he was finally ready to come out, to his surprise Karma wasn't in the room - the bed was made and Karma's clothes were gone. Shuu looked slightly confused but then noticed a little yellow note on his table in the middle of the room. A note from Karma. 

\Shuu~ <3 While you were busy in the bathroom, I packed my stuff and went home to change~ I'll be back in a few minutes so wait for me~/

Shuu sighed when he read the note. 

Wait. He was wearing my pajamas- Did he seriously run to his house in pajamas at 7 am?! 

His mouth stayed open in disbelief, slowly putting his hand onto his forehead. I'm going to lose it. He grabbed his back, going downstairs, and eating some toast for breakfast with jam. What is Karma taking so long? Did he die??? He shook his head while thinking, and at that moment he put the last bite of his toast into his mouth, the doorbell rang. Speaking of the devil... He got up, walking over to the door, grabbing the handle, and opening it slowly. He couldn't even open the door halfway, Karma's head peeked through it. "Heyy~", he grinned.

"Ya ready?", he asked and Shuu nodded.

"Great~ Let's go''

"Wait- What if someone sees us. We are still rivals after all. My reputation will be ruined if someone sees us-"

"Aww come on, no one will notice. If you want to, I can go first and you come after me"

"That still doesn't change the fact you were at my place".

"Hmmm, facts. But who cares. If anyone sees, let's just say we studied together or something..."

"Oh hell no, the excuse with studying is a no-no. Rivals don't study together - especially the two of us."

"Well then~ The truth it is thennn~" he grinned, turning around and started walking.

"I'll MURDER you." "Omg yes pls", Karma answered cheekily not turning back.

Shuu slapped Karma's back with his bag as he continued walking and chuckling.

Little did they know, someone saw everything from afar. "...Karma??"....

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now