Ending I - part 2

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With every year that passed by, I happened to notice the changes in Karmas body - it got stronger every time I looked at it. His biceps were bigger, his abs more defined and everything, in general, got way stronger than before - I loved it.

"Karma! Karma!", I had both of my arms over my face, letting out gasps and moans with every thrust of his in me. Since the first time we did it, I never thought of me actually topping Karma - I liked it the way it was, so I didn't mind to bottom for Karma.

We managed to do it so often that sometimes I didn't need any preparation which shocked me every time he said I don't seem to need it.

I tried reaching for his face, to pull him closer, to kiss his soft lips, those soft lips I was so incredibly in love with - I could kiss them all day. He grinned, leaning forward and I wrapped my arms around him, I kissed him and I felt a knot in my stomach. My moans got louder after Karma found the perfect spot - he thrust in hard enough to make us both have an orgasm. I let out a loud moan and my entire body was shaking.

Karma dropped to my side on the couch. And that was the reason why we decided to get a bigger couch- His eyes were closed, and his arm was just slightly wrapped around me - he was panting as well. I chuckled at his expression and brushed his hair back out of his face with my shaking fingers. "Hm... I don't wanna get up... But the brothhh...", Karma moaned out and I rolled my eyes, "Huh?~ You're the exhausted one? Pathetic"

"Hey, you were the one that wanted to do it, I just went along"

"Liar, you wanted to do it too - you always do."

"No I don't~"

"Yea, you do. If you wouldn't wanna do it, why didn't you just stop?~"

"Pff~", he chuckled and sat up. "Maybe~ But,"

I raised an eyebrow, sitting up slightly as well. "...I don't do it for pleasure - Like, I don't do it for sex, I do it to feel you, to be more close to you", he said smiling under his breath. I felt my face flush and smiled a bit too but decided to tease, "...But having sex still feels good, right?"
Karma burst out laughing, "Obviously", he looked at me and chuckled more.

He then mumbled a quick 'okayyy' and got up, putting his underwear back on and stretching. I watched him do all of it, this time I was observing his back, it was filled with scratches and I grinned, "You're going to the gym tomorrow, right?", "Hm?", he turned around to face me, "oh yeah-", "Your back", I held back a chuckle grabbing a blanket that was laying on the side of our couch and turned myself into a burrito. "...What about it?", he seemed confused. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to realize it.

A short silence of us looking at each other and then it clicked in Karmas head, he made an 'oh-' sound and I grinned. "Ahhh crap", he mumbled walking over to the mirror in our hallway, trying to look at his back. "I look like as if I was attacked by an animal or so", he let out a laugh and looked at me shaking his head. "It is what it is~", I got up and trudged to the kitchen, dragging the blanket I was wrapped in behind me. I looked over the pot, from which the smell of the delicious broth came, and sighed happily. "Ah~".

"Even though we've been dating for so long already, I'm still so surprised how your character has changed since Junior High - you're being more childish than usual today, is something the matter?", Karma asked putting on an oversized shirt and shorts. "Mh~ Nope~ I just feel good whenever you cook so it makes me happy~", I made my way to the bathroom, Karma looking out for me and chuckling.

I feel a bit sore but it felt good, so I am not complaining. I got into the shower, the hot water falling all over my body.

"The food is ready Shuu~", I heard Karma call while I was in the middle of my skincare routine - it's winter and my skin dries very quickly, I hate it.
"One seconddd", I called back putting my stuff to the side. My hair was still wet, so I put on a headband Karma once bought for me since I always complain about how my hair gets into my face when it's wet.

I came out to an already sitting by the table Karma, he had his phone in his hand. "Rio texted", he mumbled, giving a nod in my direction not looking up. "Oh? What happened?". Already back in High School, I found out about that Rio knew we were dating - I was a bit shocked but at the same time impressed she didn't say anything to other people. Karma grinned, showing me his phone. I gasped and grabbed his phone to look closer. "No way!!!", I screeched out happily. I bit my lips, smiling cheekily, staring longer at the phone.

"Ahhhh~ They are getting married~", I mumbled happily, playing with my chopsticks a bit. Karma chuckled, "It's in 2 months - wanna rent a room in a hotel for the night? As I checked, they are having their wedding in Fukushima, and that's about a 3-4 hours car ride. And knowing Rio, there will be lots of alcohol there. And that's a no-go if we would wanna ride back. I mean, I won't drink but it would be a mess driving back with you", Karma explained waiting for my response. "Hmm... Yeah, you're right, let's do that", I quickly agreed with him, eating some of my noodles. Karma grinned over at me, "Hm?~" - obviously he was waiting for a comment from me about the food so I looked up, and decided to play around. "Ugh, awful, I- Ugh, I can't! Hold on let me taste again... bleh! Mhm! Nuh-uh, this is horrible - how do people eat this?", I took another and another try, till my bowl was almost empty. Karma held back laughter, having his hands under his chin, watching me in amusement. I then grinned, leaning back in my seat, "I'm joking, of course"

"Oh, I know~"

...a short silence of us just looking at each other.

We looked at each other, grinning - the tension was growing. "Don't look at me like that"

"Then look away"

"No way"


"...Please stop- If you keep this up, this won't go well"

"Oh?~ Which way?~", Karma teased and I raised my eyebrows, still grinning, "You know exactly where"

"Ehh~ That's interesting~ So I just have to keep on staring?~", he licked his lips leaning back a bit. "Hah~ No way~", I got up and collected the empty dishes from the table, and slowly walking by him.

Karma didn't let go of this so easily, so he grabbed me by my waist when I was walking by the table, passing him. Holding onto my waist, he pulled me onto his lap, the dishes still in my hands. "Wha-", I was a bit surprised by the sudden action of his and before I knew it, I was sitting on his lap sideways. 

"Shuu~", he whispered. "You're so weird", I chuckled putting the dishes to the side, wrapping my left arm around his neck and putting my right hand on his cheek. 

"Give me kisses~"

"Oh, no way~ You have to earn them~"

"Aw come on~ I made dinner, now give me kisses" - He has got a point so I rolled by eyes and placed kisses on his lips, and every time he tried to kiss me back, I pulled away grinning, teasing him this way. 

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