Ending I - part 4

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On our way to Fukushima by our car, Karma put on some music while I was busy looking out of the window at the sea. It was still very early - the wedding started at 1 p.m, and it's 8:22 am currently. "Ah... I'm sure it's way colder in Fukushima since now we have March...", I sighed, slightly trembling and Karma let out a short chuckle.

Another sigh left my mouth - I might be a hot sleeper, but I hate cold weather. Sitting there in my jacket, I started to look around me, and behind me. Karma glanced over to me for a second, "What are you looking for?", "I'm freezing, do we have a blanket?", I stuttered a bit, and Karma did a short 'Uhhhh' thinking.

"Hold on", he somehow managed to take the jacket off he wore and gave it to me. 

Okay, but how the fuck didn't we crash?

"Thank you- but won't you be cold?"
"Nah, I drank coffee before we left so I feel hot, don't worry~". I nodded smiling, covering myself with his jacket - I wore mine already, but Karma usually wears coats that are hella long so I could easily cover myself with it, I felt warm again.

After 1.5 hours of driving, we stopped at a gas station to refuel. I jumped out of the car to move my legs, Karma watching me from the other side of the car refueling it and grinning. "Ah~", I sighed and looked towards the store. "Do you want me to buy you something sweet?" I asked because I know this red-haired devil can't survive a day without sugar. 

Karma grinned again but didn't look at me, "Why? I have the tastiest snack with me all the time", his head was bent down, but his gaze went up. I sighed and shook my head at the idiot with a small sarcastic smile.

"Funny~ Now come on, what do ya want?", I asked him talking out my wallet out of the car. "Hmm... a candy bar is fine", Karma answered after a short while of thinking and I nodded, walking off to the store. I went inside, choosing something for myself to drink as well as for Karma, and his chocolate bar. There was a big choice - Karma eats protein bars quite often, I'll take two, one with a more fruity taste and the other one will be a Snickers. (A/N: 'You're not you when you're hungry' sksksks)

I met Karma at the cash register, we were standing next to each other only at separate registers. We left the store together and I handed him his candy bars as well as his drink. "I didn't know if you liked fruit bars, so I took a Snickers and the other one is fruity". He smiled taking them, "They're all fine~ Thank you~", we got back into the car and drove off.

I smiled to myself and Karma saw me do so in the window reflection. "What are you so happy for?"

"I'm just a bit excited"

"The wedding, huh?"
"Yeah, I didn't go to any in the past years so I am excited", I was swinging my feet back and forth, Karma grunting with a chuckle.

We finally arrived at our hotel we will be staying at and it was 11:45 a.m., so we still had some to kill.

We took our little suitcase and checked into the hotel. "The church where Rio and Ryoma get married, is about 5-10 minutes from here, Rio wrote me to meet her together with you at 12:45 p.m in one of the rooms at the church before her wedding.", Karma explained, taking our suits out. 

I nodded, "Alright. Ah, wait- the money for the bride and groom and the gift", I reached into a separate bag in which we had envelopes with the money, called 祝儀袋 (Shuugi Bukuro), and another gift for them that we once bought in Spain - we wanted to give it to them when we found out that Rio and Ryoma had become a couple, but then Karma had something else prepared, he kept telling me "I knew that day will come, so I was ready".

It's common in Japan for couples that aren't married, to give separate envelopes with money - Karma and I each will give them around 28500¥ (~261$; ~220€), so together it was 57000¥. It was now 12:25 p.m. and we slowly got ready by putting on our suits and making our hair. Karma combed his hair back, the same way he always arranges it for his work outside of college. 


"Ahh...", I heard Karma sigh loudly from the bedroom where he was sitting while I was in the bathroom, "Tie?", I asked and he responded with a "Yeah". I chuckled before going out and put a straight face almost instantly as soon as I passed the entrance to the bedroom. "Hold on- omg", I slapped my hand on my mouth, choking on my laughter.

"...Shit fire and save matches- how the hell did you do that?", his tie was somehow tied in a knot - around his neck. I have NO idea, how a 24-year-old adult managed to do something so stupid. I was so shocked I needed to sit down. Karma looked at me blushing and laughing, "Help meee~". I shook my head in disbelief, trying to open this mess.

"Lord safe me", I whispered, managing to open the tie. "I'm sometimes worried about you, you know? That without me you wouldn't survive a day as an adult". Karma chuckled, "That's why I'm still alive~ Thanks to you~", since I was standing in front of him, he leaned in and gave me a kiss. "Ay~ We have to leave soon, don't sugarcoat me now", I helped him with the tie and he watched me grinning, I felt his gaze on my face, my eyes especially, so when I was in the middle of tying his tie, I made eye contact with him for a second, "What is it?", "I love you".

I felt my cheeks become red, but I tried to put a straight face, "I love you too, but sometimes I'm starting to feel like I am dating a devil combined with a red-haired monkey.", I grinned since I seemed to like the insult for him. "Ah~ You should write a book about all the insults you've called me throughout the years", "I will be long dead before I even finish it halfway, that's how many there are", I smiled at him, giving him two gentle pats against his chest walking back to the bathroom.

We managed to get ready quickly - before going out, Karma put a small bottle of his cologne into his pocket. "You always smell good, why do you take that with you?", "Alcohol smell - I hate it". He wasn't wrong, the only 'alcoholic' drink he drinks, is wine, and maybe beer but so low on alcohol you wouldn't even be able to get drunk. I am the problem here - I like to sometimes go out for a drink with Karma to a bar or so, and I sometimes get pretty out of hand so Karma has to carry me around.

"Ahh~ Yeah~", I nodded and Karma gave me a suspicious look, "Please try not to drink too much, alright?"

"Hey~ Outside of our relationship, in public I am a whole different person, you just watch"

"I wanna see how fast your 'different person' lasts, and the usual 'at home Shuu' appears"

"Hey, come on", I rolled my eyes taking the gifts into my hands.

We got out and rushed to the church, and a familiar to Karma woman took the gift from our hands to put it to the rest of the gifts, and then led us to the room where Rio was, opening the door.

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