"Sorry you"

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Karma backed away again, grinning and his hair moved much as soft beach grass peeking out from underneath the snow on the other side of the small wall they were standing by in the wind, back and forth, revealing and hiding the gold of his eyes.

„I feel like I am falling for you every day.", Karma said, his hand slowly reaching forward, to hold onto Shuus.

The moment seemed like in a magical book - Air moves in blossoming brilliant arcs within the already setting sun between them, its sun rays come as if creating new tunnels where none realized mountains exist - those two dark, unexplored mountains are Karma and Gakushuu. Yet to be explored, step by step... exploring and studying each other, slowly, giving all these dark corners light by staying by each other's side day by day, taking their time. And they might fall from time to time, but that's okay - since that's how they wanted it to be - without saying anything, the one knew what the other one wanted to say.

Shuu took Karmas hand who was standing in front of him. The cars passed, creating a soft breeze and the leftover leaves on the trees were softly floating in the air around them.

Karma leaned closer, pulling Shuu to himself, they stared into each other's eyes - and here was the moment again... it felt like the time has stopped, everything was okay because they were together, looking into each other's eyes. Karmas lips slightly parted, leaning over to Shuus face to kiss him. Shuu leaned into the kiss.

Their lips finally met, slowly curling into each other. The kisses were soft and calm - each kiss was better than the kiss from before and so on. "Wanna... continue at home?", Karma whispered in between the kiss. Shuu grinned, his eyes closed. "Yeah", he gave Karma a quick answer as he slowly opened his eyes. Karma grinned back. "Let's go then", he parted the kiss slowly with these words, grabbing onto Shuus hands more tightly, slowly backing backward, still holding Shuus hands which made Shuu follow the leading Karma behind, slightly chuckling and tripping over nothing each moment they sped up. Karmas footsteps grew faster and faster until he started running. With his right hand, he held Shuus left one, so he had to release Shuus right hand for them to run faster and more efficiently. This is how they ran together towards Karma's house and giggled on their way to his place. Gakushuu seemed to feel very playful at the moment which made Karma happy.

They finally arrived, standing in front of Karmas house and Karma opened the door for them to get in. The door hasn't even fully opened yet, to Karmas surprise, Shuu slightly jumped at him, cupping his face to kiss Karma again, making them walk backwards again into the house, almost tripping over the threshold of the door and falling over. Karma managed to close the door quickly as he noticed from the left side of his eye that some strangers were walking past and could've seen them literally making out in the middle of the hallway. The door now locked, Shuus hands slid from Karmas cheeks a little bit back to his ears, the orange-haired boys' slender fingers were twirling through Karmas soft red like cherries hair, playing with it, continuing to kiss him. Karmas left hand was on the back of Shuus head, and his right hand on his hips, slightly making Shuus shirt wander up and Karmas hands sliding inside. "We were meant to go eat something...", Shuu panted out, his cheeks red, his orange hair was a slight mess. "Why should we go eat something outside when I can eat you instead? How does that sound, Asano", he whispered into his boyfriend's ear, and at the same time, his entire hand slipped under Shuus shirt, slowly getting near to his nipples. "I...I don't think we sh..should do it yet- I'm-", Shuu mumbled - he wasn't so sure though of what he has just said.

...Am I ready to do it with him, now and here?... Wasn't I just intending to cuddle with him and just touch each other a bit but nothing more than that?- Why did I jump at him like that? Did he get the wrong impression?

...Wait, is he even ready? Are we both ready? We are just being dumb young teens that don't understand most of the adult stuff- what are we doing?!

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now