Karma stans 'Sofia the first'

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Karma woke up not long after Shuu has fallen asleep, softly rubbing his eyes and having the feeling of someone laying on him. He raised an eyebrow all confused as he didn't seem to realize what is happening and what has happened a while ago. He leaned his head up to notice the strawberry-blond having his head on his chest laid down, his arms around Karmas chest - sleeping, his eyes a bit puffed for some reason and he did not know. 

Did he cry...? 

He bit his lip a bit but then he realized he can't move. At all. One move and Shuu might wake up. He didn't really know what to do, so he laid his head back down thinking.

A few seconds after laying back down, he looked up again finding an idea, after all, come on, Karma isn't that dumb to think for minutes long.

He slowly took Shuus hand, pulling it out from beneath himself and putting it to the side without making Shuu wake up. He then proceeded to slowly slip out from beneath Shuus head, putting Shuu in a comfortable position so he can continue sleeping.

Karma wouldn't be Karma of course, as long as he won't take any pics of his sleeping on his bed boyfriend. He took his phone out, clicking on the ‚camera' icon. After taking some pics from almost every angle, he decided to put one of them as his wallpaper. Sitting down in his chair, obviously amused by his job of taking pics of his boyfriend he scrolled through them to find the best fitting one. Surprisingly, it took Karma good 3 minutes to find the one that he liked the most - he found all of them perfect, but he chooses one where Shuus face isn't covered with his own hair or his hand on his face. The picture turned out great and was chosen as the wallpaper.

Putting his phone away, he looked at the notes Shuu was taking while he was asleep. He raised an eyebrow, at how messy Shuus notes were, he didn't seem to have focused at all and continuously made grammatical errors in his open answers. Karma grabbed a colorful pen to underline the wrong answers of his unfocused- on—his-studies-from-before-boyfriend, and to add some notes for him so he can learn better and also some doodles, because why not.


After going through all these notes, he stretched and decided to take a bath - it was already pretty late, and he doubted that Shuu would go back to his place at this hour, even though he lived right next door.

He took out some fresh clothes for Shuu and for himself, and then made his way to the bathroom. He hummed some random songs he has heard on the radio before or on the TV of some kids' shows. Yes, Karma indeed found himself an interest in keeping up with 'Dora the explorer', 'Peppa Pig' episodes, or 'Sofia the first' - he liked to judge, especially the Dora episodes. He himself didn't know why he watched that one series, since it really annoyed him, because Dora apparently took ‚way too long' to wait for an answer - but it was a kids show Karma. The kids need to work their brains and that's the time where they have to think that's why the waiting takes so long, he still watches it. He also liked to mimic Peppas accent, since he watched it in British - he found it funny. And don't even make him start on ‚Sofia the first'. He keeps up with every episode every Sunday, and guess what tomorrow is. Sunday.

Karma got into the shower, somehow all excited since he remembered that ‚Sophia the first' is running at 9 a.m tomorrow on the television. He shook his body to the right and to the left, his wet hair splashed with water everywhere when he shook his head.

In the meantime, where Karma performed his shower-opera, Shuu has woken up, due to feeling cold and not feeling Karma next to him, but he has soon realized that his redhead went to take a shower, and sing the opening of Sofia the first. He glanced at the clock. 

No way I am leaving, it's way too cold to go out right now - I'm staying over. 

Was Shuus first thought when he woke up. He softly touched his eyebags that were a bit puffy.

...Did I cry when I was asleep? Did Karma notice?

He took a deep breath, but soon after he remembered what he saw. It left him to get shivers down his spine and he tried to forget about it. He then noticed fresh clothes on the side of the bed that was laid up for him from Karma. He took them into his hands, slowly pulling them closer to his face to inhale Karmas smell. He automatically felt better and smiled into the soft clean material; it had that freshly washed appearance. He let himself watch how the fabric moved between his fingers, linen with soft crinkles was so much softer than ironed cotton, so much more tactile. He closed his eyes, feeling the softness of it. He apparently was so focused on the smell of his boyfriend and the softness of the shirt, he didn't hear when the shower has stopped running, and Karma came into his room with freshly dried hair with a towel and in his pajamas.

Karma tried to hold back a chuckle, to see how long it will take Shuu to realize he was there, but he couldn't help himself and made a small "mph-" sound. Shuu drastically opened his eyes, lifting his head so quickly that he almost felt dizzy. His eyes widened at the sight of Karma, who was now grinning at him, standing in the doorway. „Hey~ Whacha doin'?~", he walked over and Shuu threw the shirt to the side panicking. „Nothing-", he mumbled quickly, almost sounding painful after a while of not saying anything and also because he had a dry throat. „Mh~ I see", Karma picked up the laying next to Shuu shirt, folding it together.

„I guessed that you won't go back home today, so I prepared some clothes for you", he put the pajamas into Shuus hands, smiling at him. Shuu looked at the clothes, blinked, and looked back at Karma, he looked as if he never intended to stay over and seemed shocked, even though he was the one who decided to stay - but he smiled back lightly, standing up. „I promised to study with you earlier - but I fell asleep, haha. If you aren't that tired yet, even though you just woke up, we can ‚continue' studying, if you want.", he suggested to Shuu who raised his eyebrow thinking. „...Mh... okay", he agreed and gripped onto the clothes he was holding. He walked out of the room and stopped in the middle of the hallway. Karma stood in the room grinning, then he peeked out, hearing that Shuus steps have stopped. „Hm?~ What is it?~", he asked still smiling cheekily.

The strawberry-blond looked back at Karma, clearly annoyed that he didn't really know where was what in Karmas house. „...Bathroom", Shuu mumbled. Karma snorted laughing walking down the corridor and kept going straight. The bathroom was right across from Karma's room. „Here you go~ Oh and here is a towel for you, it's on the shelf, the light blue one", Karma pointed at the towel after opening the door.

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