Ending I - part 9

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He finally leaned down to me, and I wrapped my arms around him. "I think we still need a bit of lube... I still might hurt you", he whispered and I threw my look over to the bed drawer. "There", I whispered back and he stretched his arm out for it. I watched his biceps stretch in front of me, Damn, I could look at this all day and not get bored. (A/N: Simp)

He took out the bottle of lube and the condom, putting it on and pouring the lube over it, and then positioning himself between my legs. I was so Karma-starved, I wrapped my arms again around him, pulling him into a kiss. As soon as our lips touched, I felt him slowly enter.

I moaned out a bit shaky as soon as I felt him in me while we kissed. "M-Mh...", I squealed out, arching my back up to Karma.

It went in smoothly through my hole, making me let out a loud moan, as soon as he entered further in me inside, a bit faster.

I was a bit surprised that it didn't hurt, even though we didn't do it for quite a while - I really missed doing this.

"Kaahhh..rrrmahhh...", I moaned his name out, parting our kiss as he made the first thrust after entering. I had my left hand in his red hair, which later on moved to his back, digging my nails into his skin, leaving scratches behind, and my other one was holding onto Karmas, who was pinning it into the mattress roughly.

"Shuu, Shuu, Shuu", I heard him moan out my name into my ear as well as in-between the kisses he gave me on my lips that I returned every time I had the chance. My legs were shaking and my back was aching so much with every thrust he made. With my shaky legs, I tried wrapping them around Karmas' waist to make it easier for the both of us.

I felt so close to having an orgasm, I let out the loudest moan from all of them, which gave Karma a sign to thrust in at least one more time, hard enough to practically finish me completely. He found the spot so quickly, just as he does every time we do this, thrusting into it so hard, I almost cried out, my eyes widened and I ejected abruptly, at the same time as Karma did, pulling out to a condom which was dripping in cum.

Karma was panting as well, still leaning over me, his red hair falling so gracefully over his face, his golden eyes piercing through them making my heart skip a beat as soon as he looked up at me. My face flushed and I covered my mouth, making a small 'mh!' sound, to which he smiled and I blinked a few times. 

How is he so fucking handsome even with sweat all over himself.

My legs, which were wrapped around Karmas waist slowly fell of them, plopping onto the now dirty covers. He then chuckled, "We should've done it from the back first, your legs are shaking now, and there is no way you could manage to last for long if we would do it from the back now", Karma chuckled again, but then continued talking, "But you wanted to see me over you as your 'premiere', so there you go~", he grinned and I let out a snort looking away in embarrassment. "But~ Your shaky legs won't stop me~", I looked back at him in surprise, as he suddenly grabbed me by my butt, pulling himself up in a sitting position with me sitting on top of him.

He got way, way stronger than he was back in Junior High if I look back at our first time - he did the same thing back then, pulling me up on his lap with ease, and so did he now as well, with no problem as if I was a feather. "Oh Lord-", I panicked, not due to us continuing, but to the fact I was picked up so quickly and lightly - I felt like a little kid being picked up by an adult.

Before doing anything to me, he was holding onto my thighs from beneath, looking at my figure. With one hand he stroked his fingers on my waist, making me flinch a bit, then his fingers went up to my chest and to my nipples. "Ah~ I remember them being so wonderful rosy pink 7 years ago as well~ It seems like some things just never change~", he grinned, squeezing one of them, making me moan out and putting my hands on his shoulder.

"I love you", he kissed the middle of my chest, all the way down to my stomach. "I doubt there isn't a single place on your body that I haven't touched yet...", to his response I blushed.

"Because you're a P e r v e r t", I chuckled grabbing his cheeks, making him look up at me.

"Will you kiss me?"

"Hm~ Maybe~ What if I won't?~"

"Oh so you plan on sitting in a wheelchair for a few weeks? Got it~"

"W-Wait n-no!", I blushed furiously, feeling the tip of his member on my entrance.

"You asked for it~", "Be at least gentle, you MoroHNAHH~", He didn't even let me finish my sentence and he already thrust in me. 

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now