Come over, my parents aren't home

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"Ka... Karma..", his hand wandered up to Karmas hair, he meant to pull him back by it, but with every kiss that Karma has left behind, he gripped onto it, and with his other hand that was placed on Karmas shoulder, his fingernails were dug into Karma's skin through the shirt. Another moan has escaped Shuus mouth, however, he tried to hold it back.

...His kisses and bites upon my neck started like a fire within me no one else could ever ignite... I felt so warm at that moment.

"Gakushuu, Gakushuu, Gakushuu...", Karma mumbled out every few kisses. "...ahh... It.. it will leave mark behind tomorrow- stop please-"

"No way", Karma moved now to the right side of Shuus neck, to continue his work over there too. Shuu was breathing heavily, letting out moans whenever Karma left a hard bite behind, strumming his fingers on Karmas neck. Karma didn't seem like stopping anytime soon. Shuu decided to grab Karma by his cheeks and pulled him up to look into his eyes. 

"I said ‚stop' you moron", he whispered and pressed his lips onto Karmas. Not only did he try to lead in the kiss, but he also made Karma lean backward, Shuu almost laying over him. "Your lips... are so soft... I could kiss them all day...", Karma confessed chuckling and stroking Shuus cheek to which he responded with a blushing face. 

"We were supposed to study...", Shuu whispered in between the kiss softly. 

Karma grinned and agreed. "You're right",

"I always am."


"Shut it", Shuu gave Karma one last kiss, rolling off of him and going back to study. He was sitting in a heel sitting position, almost kneeling, but his heel was straight, holding his butt in a straight position - Karma wondered how this could be comfortable for him, but since Shuu studied martial arts, no wonder he is used to this type of sitting. Karma grinned, slowly coming from behind, grabbing Shuu by his hips and waist to tickle him. Shuus eyes widened in surprise, making him flinch. He almost hit Karma with his elbow and he tried to hold his laughter back. "Karmaaa please, I am begging-"

"Oh?~ You are? Come on, I want to see you beg"

"What?! No!!!", Shuu blushed, trying to flinch away from Karmas touch and focus on studying.

"Hahah~ Okay fine~ I'll leave you alone~", were Karmas final words, before he returned to studying.

Shuu was a bit perplexed since Karmas teases usually lasted longer - maybe he is tired? ... Why do I even care, we need to study - it's good that he gave me a break - ...maybe.

During a short period of time, Shuu didn't look up but he had a question. "...Say, when do your parents return home again?".

Karma looked up, raising both of his eyebrows in question. "...Uhh not sure, but my mom said she will give me a call the day before. But I think it will be around the Christmas season... right before the second term", he went back to look at his notes and Shuu nodded in response. 

A short silence occurred but then Shuu looked up. "......Does that mean, that we won't be able to see each other during that time when your parents will stay over?", his expression seemed worried - almost terrified. Karma looked up again looking at his concerned boyfriend and he grinned. "Hm~ Will you miss me?~", he teased but Shuu inflated his cheeks in embarrassment. "...Of course, I will. I hate to be alone - the silence is unbearable to me. After all, my parents don't seem like coming home for Christmas anyway. My mother works meanwhile overseas and my father as you probably know since he is the principal, is now on a business trip for a few months - I wonder why the hell he should meet up with other principals around Japan, stupid.", he mumbled a bit annoyed. 

"Hm~ Maybe we can work this out~ My parents usually meet up with their coworkers for a Christmas dinner at around midnight or so, so they aren't home that day till the next day, and then on the next day they celebrate Christmas with me, so nothing unusual and it will probably happen this year as well, so you know, the line ‚come over my parents aren't home' starts to make more sense", he winked over to Shuu jokingly, and Shuu took it personally and blushed. 

"My God, Karma... I'm losing brain cells when I am with you", Shuu tried to say it in the meanest way possible - he didn't mean it though. Karma grinned more. "Is that so?~ Then why come you sare still hanging around with me?~ Cute~", he went back to studying after saying this and Shuu went red again, ignoring all of this, at least he tried to ignore it.

They continued to study in silence for the next hour, and when the clock hit 2 am - Shuu yawned.

Karma looked up. "Let's stop here, shall we?", he suggested getting up. Shuu nodded in response stretching his arms out and yawning again. "Yay!!! Sleeping time!!", Karma somehow managed to squeal out all excited and jumped onto the bed, hiding his face in his pillow. Shuu found it a bit adorable and funny at the same time but tried to hide it by keeping a straight and tired face. He walked over to the light switcher to turn the light off, almost tripping over the table in the middle in the dark.

He tried to sense the bed with his hands by swinging around with them in front of him and suddenly felt something soft, it felt like shin - a hand. 

Karma held out a hand for him, but instead of holding onto it, he screamed out of horror and slapped it away. "AAAA KARMA-". Karma was frightened as well since Shuu suddenly screamed and slapped his hand off so he screamed as well "AAAAAAAA". How hilarious that must have looked like if the light was turned on.

"Oh my god don't just stretch out your arm like this and warn me before doing so, I almost died", Shuu said with his hand on his chest, feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He laid down beside Karma on the bed. "Ah~ Sorry Sorry~", Karma apologized chuckling opening his arms. „So you're assuming I am the small spoon?", Shuu raised an eyebrow, that wasn't even seen in the dark but it added extra drama to the situation. 

"Of course you are, you are also the bottom".

"... What-"

"A bottom."

"......What do you mean by bottom-", Shuu really was confused, very confused.

"If we would ever have sex"

".........", his eyes widened and he took a pillow into his hands to suffocate Karma after what he has just said.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP-", he placed the pillow onto Karmas face and Karma yelled in response through the pillow.

Shuu removed the pillow. 

"What do you mean ‚Shut up'~, Of course, you want it what else do you even think would bottom mean?? Sex, duh", Karma turned to face the wall grinning, knowing he teased the living hell out of his boyfriend.

"..................", Shuu didn't answer, instead he was overthinking all of this.



Karma seemed confused and turned around to face Shuu again who was about to ask something. 

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