Insane kid - Karma Akabane

612 33 18

Shuu was running around, on his forehead were small drops of sweat, but he tried to ignore them - because let's all agree that even with sweat on his forehead, he still looked handsome.

The moment where Shuu was sneaking up onto Karma, the second member of Karma's team was pointing his gun at Shuu which Shuu didn't see, but the moment the boy was about to shoot Shuu, the guy who Shuu has made a double assassination with jumped in front of Shuu, saving Gakushuu with it, and shooting at the same time at the guy who wanted to shoot Shuu, both of them getting killed but receiving one heart each, giving each time 17 points - that left Shuu and Karma alone on the battlefield. Shuu looked at the boy who ‚saved' his life by jumping and catching the laster for him in disbelief. „I- Thank you", he said impressed and the guy who was laying under him smiled at him. „Sure", he answered and Shuu smiled back, but the second after he smiled, he ran off to not get caught by Karma.

Karma has noticed that his last player was ‚killed', and so was Shuus last player ‚killed', leaving him and Shuu alone. He grinned, slowly backing away behind a soft mattress that was spinning slowly. Shuu was walking on his tiptoes towards the middle of the hall, which was filled with many traps as those big, soft spinning round sticks, which could make you trip if you don't watch out - after all, the entire hall was very dark, and the only lights that were available were those from their laster guns and the neon lights from underneath the traps. 

Keeping an eye on everything that moved, Karma as well moved forward slowly, moving in rhythm with the moving traps, trying to make no noise while walking. Shuu started to crawl slowly behind a non-moving trap, which was perfect since it had small circles build in them, in which he could put his laster gun through and shoot Karma that way. 

One thing that not even the workers at the laster tagging hall noticed, is that probably non of the kids would CLIMB on top of the traps since who the hell would be so insane? But here we have the ‚insane kid' named Karma Akabane. He managed to jump onto a moving block and jump over as well on the other moving trap, which made him hang from beneath it as it has spun, his red hair falling down from his face revealing his forehead a bit. Probably the most surprising thing to imagine, he was literally 3 meters away from Shuu, right in front of him, who was hiding behind the wall, his gun softly pointed out through the hole in the wall, watching out for Karma.

But there he is, hanging from beneath the moving round object, his strong legs wrapped around the sides of the big circle, and his body tilled down, a gun in his hand, pointing right at Shuus chest. 

„I got you", he said that loud enough that Shuu has turned his widening eyes towards Karma, as the laster was pointing onto his own chest. Shuu didn't even manage to flinch to the side to escape, and Karma got him. Shuu losing his last, heart, giving Karma all the 18 hearts. 

The lights had gone white so the entire hall was now bright and some kids moaned out because of the sudden light change from dark to light. Shuu still stared at his grinning boyfriend, who was hanging from the round trap as he then hell down onto the soft mattress beneath him, still grinning over to Shuu. Shuu, still with his mouth slightly open, walked over with a small grin to Karma and looked over him who was now laying under him, still grinning. 

„Hey, Lean down", Karma said giving a small not at Shuu. He leaned down to Karma in slight confusion, but Karma grabbed Shuu's cheek softly to pull him closer, they were now kissing, but turned around, that Karma's eyes were there where Shuus chin was and the same with Shuu that his eyes were there where Karmas chin - the kiss still worked. Karma then parted the kiss with an exhausted sighing, but he still grinned at Shuu.

„I won", he said all proud of himself. Shuu sighed, grinning and shaking his head in disbelief of him himself losing. 

„Ah~ Yes you did, Moron", „May I invite you to something delicious after we get out?", Karma suggested, still laying on the floor, looking at his leaning over his Boyfriend. 

„Hm~ Sure, why not", Shuu grinned in response with these quick words, helping Karma up. 

Little did they know, they were watched by someone, and that someone walked over.

(Hey guysss if someone actually is reading this cringy mess, please comment or vote, or else I'll think the views are me re-reading my own fanfic bc I'm checking the errors lmao 😭❤️)

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