"Give me a Kiss", "No".

530 33 42


The results:

#1 - Akabane Karma: 500p.

#2 - Asano Gakushuu: 497p.


"...h-how....", Shuus eyes were round and big as the wheels in a mill.

"Oh Shuu~". Shuu could hear his boyfriend's voice coming from the other side of the hallway. He turned his head around to face his coming at him grinning boyfriend, with a paper in his hand - probably with the results.

Gakushuu didn't really dare to even speak up, he just stayed quiet. Karma finally arrived next to him, standing beside him. "What a shame", Karma said, lifting his chin up a bit. "...I just needed to... finish that one line... then how...", Shuus gaze wandered down, his head lowered itself in embarrassment. Karma glanced over to his boyfriend, who was clearly ruined. "Hey... It's okay, I think you did great. After all, wow, who else could score this high if not you? Ignore me for now and look at it from the brighter side - you've got to the second place - and I really think you did your best."

"...If only we didn't go out this much... if only I've studied a bit more...", the anger in Shuu has gotten bigger and bigger - Karma felt like his boyfriend was about to snap at him, so he turned to face him, and grabbed him by the shoulders tightly. "Hey. Look at me."


"...I said, look. at. me."

Shuu finally looked up, small tears forming in his eyes. "Just because you didn't score a perfect 500, doesn't mean your way of solving the problem was wrong. I'm more than sure it was perfect, just the equation was too long or so. Besides that, if only you had a bit more time during the exam, I'm sure you would get 500 points. I know how important this is to you, so I promise I won't tease you with your score nor mine, okay? Just please calm down and tell yourself that you did your best. It's okay to fail sometimes, it's totally okay", Karma embraced Shuu into a tight hug and he heard a loud sob to his left where Shuus head was placed as he started to cry. 

"...Crying... makes a person stronger...", Karma whispered to his ear softly, and it really makes Shuu realize things, every time Karma gave him a lesson - they might both be the same age and go to the same school - but their minds, are different - the way they think, the way they see things and react in a different situation. But it all makes more sense the more they get to know each other, step by step.

Karma rocked gently and slowly back and forth, his hand on Shuu's back which he gently stroked. He tilted his head to the left to put it against Shuu's head, leaving little kisses on one side of his head, softly whispering 'it's okay'.

After some minutes of silence and soft sobbing, Shuu lifted his head up, wiping his tears away, standing up straight with closed eyes trying to get back to his usual school posture, then he opened his eyes and looked as if nothing has ever happened. Karma smiled at him. "I am so proud of you, Shuu"

I am so proud of you, Shuu...

I am so proud of you, Shuu...

I am so proud of you, Shuu...

I am so proud of you, Shuu...

These are, these are the words he has always wanted to hear from someone - especially someone who is incredibly important to him. He managed not to smile from the sudden embarrassment, but his blushing face showed Karma everything. "Wanna go and celebrate with a gelato? It's my treat", he grinned, holding up a wallet - not his. Koro-senseis, that's why Karma has offered to pay - not like he wouldn't with his own money, but he wanted to spend Koro-sensei's money before he notices. "...Gelato?", "Yeah, it's delicious. Come on", he stretched one hand out for Shuu to hold onto. Shuu bit his lips embarrassed and held onto it and they started walking.

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now