"I know you're obsessed with me"

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The next day was a Friday, the weekend is almost there. Karma got ready for school, waiting for the right timing to get out of his house like Shuu. As Shuu finally was ready to go out, Karma opened his door, and was on his way to school, but walked way slower than usual to confuse Shuu and make him frustrated.

This moron. Why is he walking so slowly?! Walk faster!!! There is no way for me to walk past you without making you say something!!! Shuu thought to himself, as he wrapped his scarf tighter around his face, covering his lips and nose. Okay. I swear to god if you say something- he thought as he was speeding up to walk past Karma. Not even a meter in front of Karma and the red-haired smirked. , I know you're obsessed with me" the red-haired teen said full of confidence, as Shuu stopped, his face red as a tomato. He didn't manage to turn around, but the red-haired boy walked past him, with a smirk. Shuu stood there, deep in thought, his cheeks red. ,...Who does he think he is?!'' With this one question, he went through the entire day, from school back to his house. Exhausted, he laid down on his bed thinking back about what Karma has said.

, I know you're obsessed with me"

, Ugh FUCKKKK'' he put a pillow on his face. Out of exhaustion, he quickly fell asleep and woke up the next morning.

He yawned and sat upright stretching himself. , ugh... I feel nasty...'' he stood up and went to the bathroom to take a warm bath. After the bath, he wrapped a towel around his waist stretching and yawning once again. He then went back to his room, but he wasn't' alone. Karma was sitting on his bed.

Shuu's eyes widened as he yelled out. , What in the hell?!" He grabbed a random thing from his shelf, big enough to cover up his bare chest, blushing. , Heyyy" Karma said as he stood up, slowly walking over to Shuu, grabbing his hand softly. , The fu- let me go." Shuu warned, trying to back Karma away from himself. 

, No", Karma answered, coming even closer. , What, are you gay?" Shuu said while raising an eyebrow. , What if I am? What will you do if I grab you, bring you back to my house, and make a living hot mess out of you and your body?", he whispered into Shuu's ear, making his entire body get goosebumps. Shuu smirked, grabbing Karma by his collar. , You are a little brat." Shuu said, smirking wider. 

I am not going to play your stupid games, Idiot.

, Oh, ~ I get that a lot~ Why don't you call this out more often?~ In a maybe more pleased voice of yours, hm?~" he said as he slowly approached Shuu, making him walk back, till they both hit a wall and Shuu was pinned against it by Karma. Karmas' knee was between Shuu's legs, as he tried to hold his towel to not let it fall as well as trying to get out of this whole situation.

, Don't talk to me like this.'' Shuu warned again. , And where do you think you are putting those hands-on? Get your nasty ass hands off me'' Shuu slapped them away. , Aww~ Is my little Orange upset?~ How sweet~ Why don't you punish me, hm? Wouldn't that be nice for a second-place and a bottom as well as you?~'' Karma was teasing him so badly, it made Asano more of embarrassed than angry. , Shut up, you're the second place, and most of all, the bottom.'' Shuu snapped. , Oh~ How come?~ Wanna find out who really the bottom is?'' He grabbed Shuu by his waist, pulling his up and making him wrap his legs around his waist. , LET ME DOWN- YOU WILL REGRET THIS!!'', We will see'', Karma said as he placed Shuu down on his bed. 

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