Ending I - Part 7

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It was finally time to go back home. I woke up at 11 a.m, which was late and I felt like throwing up after all the wine I've drunk, as well as I could hardly remember anything from last night. I put my hands on my face, rubbing my eyes while sitting up. I let out a sigh and looked to my left, where Karma was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled a bit and decided to lay down back, trying to lay down under Karmas arm without him walking up, but he is a hell of a light sleeper.

He squeezed his eyes before opening them, breathing in a lot of air, opening his mouth lightly, looking as if he was eating something in his sleep, which I found funny, and kissed his soft lips. He then opened his eyes a bit, trying to proceed what is happening and then he opened them a bit more after realizing he is being kissed so he smiled.

"Morning...", he mumbled. I rolled my eyes and said the same thing back and he chuckled, "Ughhh you smell like wine, Shuu", he pulled me into a bear hug closing his eyes again, with his chin on my head. "Shh... I will go brush my teeth so don't worry.", "No... Don't leave", he hugged me tighter so I rolled my eyes again and letting out a short chuckle.

"We have to leave soon. If I remember clearly, we have to check out before 1 p.m.", I mumbled into his chest, bare chest. Wait-

I lifted my head, almost breaking Karmas chin if he didn't move away quickly enough, and stared at him.

"Did- Wha-... What happened last night". Karma raised an eyebrow, lifting his body up slightly with his right arm. I looked at myself, I was also sleeping shirtless. "...Karma- Why are you shirtless-". He grinned, "We fucked", I looked at him so scandalized and my eyelids started to twitch. He couldn't hold back his laughter, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding~ You were too drunk to function yesterday, there would be no way my dick would survive a drunk Gakushuu", he snorted sitting up completely.

"Hey! I wasn't that drunk", "You're right, you weren't, thanks to me who held you back from the alcohol", he smiled, obviously proudly, and walked to the bathroom.

"That still doesn't explain why you slept shirtless!!"

"I got hot"

"You are alwa-......", I stopped, realizing what I said, then I immediately corrected myself, "You are a cold sleeper so how the-"

"From the dancing sugar bun~", I heard his electric toothbrush go on and I sighed, getting up as well and getting dressed.

We wanted to be back home in Tokyo before the evening, so as soon as we had fresh clothes on, we gathered our other things and checked out of the hotel. I still felt a little dizzy after yesterday and all the alcohol I've drunk so I was dozing off a few times during the ride. I tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't bring myself to do so, even if my head was falling down every few minutes so I tried to keep myself busy and looked out of the window.

I then grinned to myself, and somehow Karma noticed, putting his hand on mine and continued driving, "Whatcha smiling at?". I decided to tease, I still felt like the party wasn't over and the music was still blasting in my head.

"Oh nothing~"

"Come on~~ I wanna know~"

"No way"

"Yes way~ Come on, tell me"

"Hmm~ Just... just thinking about your words from yesterday", I tilted my head to the side satisfied with my thoughts, biting my lower lip and grinning over to Karma and he snorted with a grin shaking his head, "You are unbelievable"

"Heyyy~ This is my line", I grabbed his hand, holding onto it a bit tighter for a second to make myself loud and clear. "Pff~ Doesn't change the fact you aren't~".

"I am not unbelievable, I will only be, if you won't keep your promise~", I turned my head back to the window. He laughed this time, "I'm giving you my promise.", "Mhm~".

We drove in a short silence, till Karma chuckled again, so I looked his way and made a questionable face. "I just realized that you would be horrible at giving blowjobs". Both of my eyes widened, "Wha- Where did that even come from so suddenly? And excuse me???", damn, I felt offended but still waited for Karma to give me an explanation. (A/N: I laughed WAY too hard while writing this part slskkskdjasodod)

"Well~ I just remembered that one time we watched a movie, and you said you'd go take a shower for the time the commercials run, and I nodded and waited for you in the living room. You didn't take long in the shower, but here comes the part - You were brushing your teeth, and you apparently have put your toothbrush way too far into your mouth, making you gag suddenly. When I heard you gag I thought I would start crying from laughing so hard into a pillow. - So in conclusion, my God, you would be horrible", he snorted, biting his lip trying not to laugh.

I felt my face flush and I remembered that. "Oh my God-", I slapped my hand onto my mouth and looked away embarrassed. Karma then burst out laughing and patted my hand gently, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad - after all, I am not into this type of stuff anyway~", I turned my head back to him raising an eyebrow, "Did you just assume I wanted to try this??"

"Hm~ Maybeee~"

"Karmaaa", I let out a loud sigh, almost sounding like a moan, and turned away from him.

"I swear I will never get bored with you around, pff", he let out another chuckled and I smiled under my breath.

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