Karma is a sucker for ...

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Shuu nodded a few times, walking past him, leaving some of his cologne smell behind from before. Karma tried to smell it better, by inhaling it stronger but not too strong to not seem like a weirdo to his boyfriend.

In that small space between us, so close to the nape of his neck, I already knew the scent of his perfume was something I'd always crave. I knew I'd have that emotional need to come right back here to this exact moment, to this blessed time our connection was made. The smell was strong, even after it had slowly started to fade away after that long day. That aroma of his cologne was as comforting as the blackest of warm summer nights I've spent by the sea. Karma thought to himself after Shuu locked the door behind him.

Shuu is probably hungry, should I make something to eat or order?... Nah it's too late to order-

He stepped back from the bathroom, making a big turn to face the stairs, and walked these down to his kitchen. He looked into the fridge for a few seconds, thinking about what his boyfriend might want to eat.

...It might be very foreign... and what if Shuu never tried it?? In his 16 years of living-

He overthought a dish, he wasn't sure if Shuu has ever tried it even and if he will like it. It counts to the most popular eaten dishes in the world: Pizza.

I'll make one and I'll see if he likes it. Was his final decision as he grabbed the apron.

"Let's go", he snapped to motivate himself, but not too loud to not make Shuu think he is insane or anything like that.

I'm a sucker for pizza, especially the greek one, the feta, and the olives are magical.

The first thing he had to prepare was the dough, he knew it took a long time to make, but he really disliked store-bought dough, he preferred his homemade one. It took him a few minutes to mix everything together - he put the dough to rest a bit and he prepared all the toppings. Sauce... cheese... olives... maybe a few mushrooms and onions... spices... He didn't like meat on his pizza surprisingly but he wasn't so sure about Shuu. Should I make it half meat and half vegetables...? He stood there looking at the rising dough.

Yea. He quickly agreed with his idea, taking out the finished dough, and on a cleanly worn table, he sprinkled some flour and put the dough on it to be rolled out. The finished dough was spread with tomato marinade mixed with herbs and sprinkled with cheese. Half of the pizza contained only vegetables and feta, and the other half contained salami pieces and also a mix of vegetables with feta.

The oven was already heated up to 250°C (~482°F) so the pizza was ready to bake.

The shower sounds from upstairs have stopped a while ago, but Shuu still seemed to be inside. 

Is he okay? 

Karma went up the stairs, totally forgetting about the apron he was wearing - It was the pink one, with pastel flowers and a big red heart in the middle, that Koro Sensei once made him wear on the first day in his new classroom after trying to assassinate him in the kitchen. "Shuu, are you still in there?", He knocked on the door, waiting for a response. 

I have the feeling of him crying before... I hope he is okay. 

No answer. "...Shuu?", he knocked again, unable to get in since he locked the door. "Everything is okay", was heard from the other side of the door, it sounded very forced, almost choked out.

I need to calm down-  Shuu tried to swallow his tears without making any noises. 

How did he even manage to get these? 

He felt sick, not of what he saw, but at how it made him worry.

"...Can you open the door? I have the feeling of you not being oka-"


"...But why? Please let me check on you-"
"..N...No Karma-"

"Please.", he pounded with his fist lightly on the door.

Shuu took a deep, shaky breath, looked into the mirror to check if he doesn't look as if he had been taking drugs for the past 5 days just because he cried.

He then walked over to the door, opening the lock to it. Karma slowly pressed onto the door handle and opened the door. "...Shuu-", he slowly walked in, seeing a standing a few meters away from him Shuu, who was holding onto his own arm tightly looking down to avoid eye contact and not show Karma that he has cried - but it was too obvious for the both of them. Karma sighed opening his eyes and closing Shuu into a hug. 

"Whatever is bothering you, we can talk about it, okay? Please tell me whenever something doesn't feel right - I really want you to feel okay. You know I am always here for you, right?", he gently stroked his head, Shuus hair tangling in between Karmas fingers. Shuu wrapped his arms slowly around Karma, pulling himself closer and putting his head into Karmas neck sighing shakingly - then he nodded. 

"I made you something to eat... want to talk about it while we eat or do you want us to discuss it now? Or more of do you even want to talk about it? Do you want me to give you some time?", Karma asked, his head slightly tilled onto Shuus'. "...I want to... talk about it after we eat...", Shuu whispered, trying to hold his tears back. Karma nodded, staying like this with Shuu for a while, enjoying each other's warmth. "The food is going to burn if we won't hurry'', Karma whispered into his boyfriend's ear, maybe to tease him a little or maybe make him smile a bit. Shuu indeed happened to smile a bit at Karma's cheeky behavior and looked up. "Yeah...", he answered, wiping away his dried tears under his eyes that tickled him a little.

Karma smiled at the sight of Shuu also smiling a bit, he took his hand, squeezing it a bit. But then, Shuu looked down a bit, and even though he was crying just a few seconds ago, he tried not to burst out laughing. Karma blinked, not really knowing, then he looked down too. 

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