~ An OTP question List ~

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I decided to add an extra chapter, a bit off-topic but still on the topic of our KaruShuu! And that is:

An OTP Question List! lolol it's just some basic info about these two Morons that I love with my entire heart 💕💕💕

1. Who is the early bird/Who is the night owl? - Karma is the night owl and Shuu is the early bird

2. Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon? - Shuu is the little spoon, I mean, look at him-

3. Who hogs the cover/Who loves to cuddle? - Both Karma, Karma is well a little bitch who hogs the cover but Shuu is a hot sleeper so I don't think he minds

4. Who wakes the other up with kisses? - I would say Karma would do that, Shuu would probably wait till Karma wakes up and then give him a kiss or so - but Karma would definitely wake Shuu up by leaving kisses behind on his face that will tickle him and wake him up

5. Who would have deep thoughts in the middle of the night?/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? - Shuu would have them during the day, especially during classes and Karma since he is a night owl, he would think about a lot of things during that time 

6. Who sweats the small stuff? - Maybe Shuu, keeps his anger inside and so on but there are times where he gets pretty distracted while being stressed, that's why Karma is there to comfort him 💕

7. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked lmao)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas? - Both sleep in pajamas, they have a status come on

8. Who makes the coffee (or tea)? - Funny thing is that even though both of them have cooking classes and both get good grades from it, Shuu somehow manages to suck at cooking, he tried to make instant coffee lately and poured cold water over it; Karma laughed

9. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour? - Karma is the sweet type, he enjoys practically anything sweet and spicy, but for Shuu he can't handle sour and spicy, he likes it blank or maybe a bit sweet

10. Who likes horror movies/Who likes romance movies? - Ngl I have to admit and maybe as you've seen it, Karma is a sucker for kids' shows but I guess he likes romance movies as well - oh, and superhero movies! Shuu, on the other hand, doesn't really watch movies but he would probably be the type while watching horror movies to say "This isn't even scary", and then sleep with his bedlight on.

11. Who is small/ Who is tall? - Both of them are big boys ❤️❤️❤️

12. Who kills the spiders? - Oh this is hilarious - one-time Shuu called Karma to come over, which surprised Karma but when he arrived at his bf's house, he was nowhere to be found until he received a message that he is in the bathroom. Karma all confused walked over to the bathroom, opening the door - this tampon head thought Shuu was nacked so he covered his eyes till Shuu yelled that he isn't naked and he looked at Shuu who was ---- hiding in the shower stall; terrified. Karmas eyes widened and he didn't know if he should laugh or not but he was confused why Shuu was scared. "What is it?", "........Wall". Karma looked around confused until he has spotted a spider just chillin' on the wall. Karma burst out laughing. "Shut up and kill it!!" "Ah Shuu~ Look he wants to be friends with you!~", the redhead took the spider gently onto his hand and walked over to the shower stall. Shuu was screeching and screaming-

13. Who is scared of the dark? - Neither of them, but Shuu happened to get a heart attack once when he tried to get to bed in the dark, and Karma held out a hand for him not even warning him; they both screamed when they touched. 

14. Who is a cat person?/Who is a dog person? - Karma seems to be a cat person, but Shuu on the other hand can't stand cats. He prefers dogs (A/N: Same dude, same)

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