Ending I - Part 8

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Due to us waking up pretty late, we as well arrived pretty late. During our ride, we decided to stop at a small restaurant to eat an early dinner, we left at 3:20 p.m and arrived back at our apartment at 6 p.m. As soon as we disappeared from the strangers' sight behind our wooden door, we let out a loud sigh of relief, "Finally homeee", Karma exclaimed, throwing our suitcase to the side. We then both decided to refresh ourselves by taking a quick shower and getting dressed. When we were done, I walked over to our fridge.

"Beer?", "Beer."

Karma dislikes alcohol as already said, but when it comes to beer, especially this weird 'raspberry beer' he likes, he is going to join me with the drinking. To be honest, I felt like wanting something way stronger, but I didn't want to bother him about my drinking anymore, so I had a beer too. I took the two cans of beer out of the fridge, joining him on the couch while he was turning the TV on.

"There ya go~", I plopped down next to him, leaning onto him slightly opening my can. "What do you want to watch?", he asked, clicking on the TV remote looking around the various channels. I turned my head to look at him, staring into his eyes for a few seconds, he was looking at me as well, but confused.

"You over me", I replied quickly, giving him a small smile. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously at me but grinned a bit. "Hm?~ Never heard of that~", of course, he had to tease - not that it ruined anything.

"Oh, it didn't come out yet - today is the premiere", I replied smoothly, putting my beer onto the small table in front of our couch, and for a quick moment while doing so I was looking away, so I licked my lips, putting one leg over the other and wrapping my arms around my knee looking back at Karma, who was observing me from the moment I broke eye contact.
(A/N: pls that was so smooth and I'm proud)
He held back a chuckle, not because it was funny, but at how great and smooth my pick-up line was, we both knew it, obviously.

I looked into his eyes with a grin, observing him as well. He rolled his eyes leaning over and putting his beer to the side at the same time, and I decided to tease him, biting both of my lips in a grin, slowly crawling away from him, him coming behind me, as well crawling.

With my hand I reached the end of the couch, so I decided to jump up, and walk backward, still keeping eye contact with him. He snorted silently, coming behind me.

Ha~ Look at him following me behind like a dog~ Only the leash is missing~

With a grin, I grabbed the door handle from behind with my hand, disappearing out of Karmas' sight. Very shortly after, he peeked through the entrance to our bedroom while I was already sitting at the end of our bed. He came closer, closing the door behind himself, only a small amount of light coming from beneath the blinds covering the window, giving us the possibility to see each other a bit.

He leaned over me, so I fell back into the soft covers, and he pinned me to the bed. His face was so close I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks, giving me shivers. He leaned closer to kiss my lips, but as he did so, he was slightly starting to bite onto one of them, making me gasp out and his hands which were at first pinning me, wandered off underneath my shirt.

His warm and slender hands made me melt every time they touched me. We pulled apart for air, as well as for Karma to take off my shirt. He then proceeded to continue kissing me, flickering his tongue over my lips, waiting for me to give him access. I grinned at my red-haired Moron as he was slowly growing impatient, I could tell by the way his hands were moving, squeezing onto my nipples, gripping onto my waist and a bit below to my bottom, squeezing it through the jerseys I was wearing, making me moan out, and at that moment, he used his chance to slide his tongue in, exploring my mouth.

I let out moans in-between, feeling my pants slowly getting pulled off me, and Karmas hands wandering further down, all the way to my boxers.

I gasped out panting, looking into Karmas golden eyes which were shining due to the sunset coming through the blinds. I quickly unbuttoned Karmas shirt that he wore, making him shrug it off his body to the side.

He finally got rid of my underwear, his fingers lowering down to my entrance. He put two of his fingers against it, which already made me wet. And with such, we hardly ever used lube and saved money (A/N: Lol). We didn't do it in over 3 weeks, which lead to Karma having to stretch me out, pressing one finger inside first, making me arch a bit, and letting out a gasp. Soon after the first finger, he added a second one, this time moving them around a bit. "A-Ah...", I gripped onto his hand he had next to my elbow.

He decided to add a third finger just to make sure it won't hurt, later on, this time it made me squeeze my eyes together letting out more moans, every time Karma moves his fingers around. "You're adorable", he confessed and grinned over to me after I've squealed. "Shh don't make my heart flutter more than it already does- Ahh~", I whispered, letting out a moan as soon as Karma pulled his fingers out.

I laid my head back, letting in a lot of air into my lungs while Karma unbound his belt and removes his pants. I jut my arms out and made grabby hands so Karma would lean down to me as soon as he finishes taking his clothes off.

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