"Take me dancing tonight"

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(A/N: AAAA I was so excited to write this part y'all 🥰😭💕 The pic: all rights go to Kurumi999 od MediBang!!! This chapter is also extra-long soooo enjoy~ 😉)

There, there he was, his red-haired prince.

Shuu instantly lit up, his face staying blank to not show any suspicion to the students, but his emotions on the inside were like fireworks.

The moment he walked in, Shuus breath got taken away. His heartbeat stopped for a moment at the sight of his boyfriend's bloody-red hair that was brushed back making him look more handsome than ever before. His piercing golden eyes were looking around, looking as if they were looking for something, for ... someone.

Then it happened. Our eyes met - I felt like melting. My legs were shaking and my thoughts went crazy. The moment he met my gaze that was so desperate for him, he gave me a grin - and how could I possibly not grin back? Of course, I did, I love him too much.

To my surprise, Karma was wearing something very similar to me- did this Moron watch me change last night and found himself in a very similar suit? The only thing that was slightly different from mine, was that the inside of Karmas jacket was orange. We matched - I had a red one, and he had an orange one. ...He still looks handsome my Goodness-

He swallowed his saliva at the sight of Karma who suddenly disappeared in the crowd. After a few moments, Shuu noticed that the hall has gone silent. All confused he looked at the students - their attention was on him and then he realized it was time to begin. He quickly blinked, fixing himself with a grunt, ready to welcome the students.


Soon after his speech, the DJ came onto the stage and Shuu got off - the lights had gone off and a bunch of rainbow lights appeared from all the sides. The students cheered and started to shove each other onto the dance floor, swaying to the sound of the music. The first song that started playing was 'Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go' by Wham!.

'You put the boom-boom into my heart

You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts

Jitterbug into my brain (yeah, yeah)

Goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same

But something's bugging you

Something ain't right

My best friend told me what you did last night

Left me sleepin' in my bed

I was dreaming, but I should have been with you instead'

I was standing there, right next to the stage curtains watching all the students dance - some of them stood on the side, waiting for someone to pull them onto the dance floor so desperately.   A sigh left my mouth - I felt lonely.

Then, someone grabbed me, by my arm and pulled me back, behind the curtains. At first, I didn't know if I should panic or not, but the touch - it felt so familiar. And then the breathing against my ear.

"...Shuu...Be my air, be my sweetness, be my tumble into giddy darkness tonight... Let us melt into this party, sway into the beat and sweat until our hearts melt together...", was whispered against Shuus ear, his face flushed and these words gave him shivers all over his body.

He didn't happen to answer, but he knew it was him, he knew it so perfectly that it's him.

They both grinned, neither of them seeing the other one doing so, but they felt it.

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now