Oh~ So you're ticklish?~

886 37 15

Not even 2 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I was, of course, expecting him so I was by the door to open it for him. Surprisingly, but at the same time not, this moron wasn't even wearing a jacket - in the middle of winter. He just ran to my house in his joggers and an oversized sweatshirt.

He still looked good, I have to admit it.

"Heyy~", he leaned into Shuus face, in belief he would get a kiss. Shuu raised an eyebrow, looking at Karma's lips. He then slowly leaned forward as well, to place a small, soft and quick kiss on his boyfriends' lips. "Ah~ Just that much?~", "Come inside" "Don't worry, I will one da-", Shuu slapped his own hand onto Karma's mouth trying to shut him off. "I. MEANT. GET. IN. THE. HOUSE.", with the other hand, he grabbed Karma's hand, pulling him inside, slamming the door behind them.

Karma grinned at his blushing and flustered boyfriend. "Pff~ You look cute" "Shut it. What did you want to talk about?", Shuu asked, walking over to the couch and sitting down. Karma followed him, laying down on the other side and patted his own stomach for Shuu to lay down on him. Shuu bit both of his lips, thinking if that is a good idea since Karma is capable of anything. In the end, he decided to lay down in his boyfriends' arms. Karma wrapped his arms happily around Shuu, pulling him closer. 

"Now, tell me, what is it?" 

"Ah yeah, I wanted to ask you if you've got any plans tomorrow."

"Uh- yeah, I've got a schedule for tomorrow, I plan on studying for the exams."

"Aww come on, you need to relax a bit. You're going to be the #2 place again anyway, so what's the point of even trying. You need some time off so I am here" 

"What? No, I need to study. Either way, this time I won't lose to you, Akabane.", Shuu replied confidently, stretching his hand in front of him, looking at his fingers.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be the second place again. But let's not focus on that. Let's go on a date tomorrow anddd if studying is so important to you, Mr.Perfect, then we shall study at my house after the date, how does that sound?~", Karma grabbed Shuus' hands softly, curling their fingers together. 

"Stupid.", Shuu turned his head slightly back to see just a part of Karmas' face and then turned back to look straight forward.

"Ehhhh?? No, it's not, come on. Spend some time with me. It will be fun, I promise"

...To be honest, he is kind of right - I should rest a bit. .........And yes maybe I also should spend some time with him. Even though we see each other every day-

"....Okay, alright. But where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking about Laser tagging?"

....Never went there"

"Oh perfect! Let's go there then~ Make sure to wear all black"

.....Alright. At what time do you want to meet there?"

"What do you mean 'meet there'?, we are going there together, you don't even know where that is, Shuu"

"...ah... yeah right. Okay then at what time shall we go there?"

"What about 5 p.m.?"

"This late? I want to study later you know that"

"...Hmm what about 2 p.m then and we can go out to eat something quickly in a Cafe or so, then we can go back home"

"Mmm... That sounds about right. And for how long will we be staying there?"

"We will see what will be written on the price list, but chill out, it's not like there is a deadline-"

"I'll hit you", Shuu warned Karma, since he clearly didn't respect his own plans.

"Ahh~ Alright you little Orange~", he wrapped his arms once again around Shuu, his face hidden in his boyfriend's hair. 

Shuu slowly turned around, so that he laid on Karma with his face facing him, wrapping his arms underneath Karma's torso, holding onto it tight. 

"You're warm...", Shuu mumbled into Karma's chest, making it vibrate and Karma started to chuckle. 

"That tickles", Karma replied. 

Shuu raised his head, as well as his left eyebrow, a small grin forming on his lips. 

"Oh~ So you're ticklish?", Karma could hear the ego and the will to manipulate in Shuus voice. 

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now