'He is messing with my head'

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Shuu quickly realized and his face turned pink. "...Idiot", he gently slapped Karma's chest in embarrassment. "Hah~ I win once again", he grinned in victory, slightly sitting up. Shuu was observing Karmas stomach, he somehow found it satisfying how skinny he was and how the shirts he wore, were each time perfectly laying on his body, curling together. Karma noticed that Shuu was not really paying attention to his surroundings and was just looking at one certain point. He grinned and snapped his fingers two times. "Ay, Shuu~ Snap out of it~ What are you looking at?"

Shuu blinked and looked at Karma for a few seconds to realize what is happening. "O-Oh- I uh...", this time he had no explanation to what he was even looking at. He couldn't explain it since he himself didn't even know why he was staring.

"To be honest with you- I have no idea", he admitted and shook his head gently. Karma chuckled nod as an 'all right' and got up. He took his bowl and sat back down next to Shuu, both of them finishing their breakfast.

To Karmas surprise, Shuu was also judging the kids' shows they watched while eating which he found amusing.
"Ugh, the first dress was so much better - pathetic. She would've won with it", he grunted out sighing in disbelief. "You're so dramatic Shuu, haha" "What?? No I am not! I have something that is called ‚taste' that's all", he bit into his marmalade sandwich frustrated. "...But, I have to admit it, the dress she chose is horrible"

"I know right! So Awful, ugh"

"Mhhh and the hair - just, no"


They continued to judge every second out of this episode till it ended. Karma and Shuu gave each other a grin and a high five as judging the marathon was a masterpiece.

"It's Sunday"

"Hm? Oh yeah, any plans?", Karma asked, taking the empty plate from Shuu and going to the kitchen with him. "Studying".

"You mean Stu-DYING? 'cause same."

"I- Karma No-"

"Karma yes"

"Karma no"


"Ah Ah~ Karma yes ye-", Shuu slapped his hand onto Karmas mouth who was once again teasing his boyfriend. "Stoppp It's not even 12 yet and I am already done with your bullshit", Shuu facepalmed all embarrassed. "Okayyy Okay~", Karma gave in chuckling.

"Ah- I'll have to leave in a bit. I didn't have the chance to clean the house yesterday so I'll do it today. I'll go in maybe 15 minutes.", Shuu confessed walking out of the kitchen.

Karma grinned but tried not to make it obvious that he was grinning while talking. "What do you plan on doing in those 15 minutes, Shuu?"

Karma heard his boyfriends' steps coming closer and stopping right at the entrance, not showing himself. He slightly peeked his head out from the right side, only his left eye being visible, his hand on the frame of the door entrance. 

His sparkly, indigo-like eye was staring directly at me, giving me a warm feeling but at the same time shivers.

His eyes are so different in moments like these, softer than I knew eyes could be... The perfectionist and control-freak are gone and instead, it is the eyes of one who loves deeply one and only one person. If it were anyone else I would drop my gaze, but with him I'm drawn in closer, always wanting more. He really did take my breath away. 

He blinked, his eyes having more shine than ever from the sun rays shining through the window in Karmas kitchen. His slender fingers were stroking softly against the frame, his nails slightly digging into it. "I want to kiss you", he mumbled, but I heard it loud and clear. "You are adorable", Karma let out a small chuckle walking over to him. Shuu held out his hand for him, grabbing him by his wrist, and pulled him closer. The both of them were now standing by the door entrance, looking at each other. Shuus face was more visible this time, he peeked out more. Now not only one shining indigo eye was looking at Karma - but two of them.

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now