I can't wait, I can't wait

455 21 18

The pic: all rights go to Kurumi999 od MediBang!!!)

The dance starts in about 1,5 hours, I need to be there early. Shuu looked through his closet, looking for the suit he has prepared last night. He decided to take it with him and change there later - for now he will go in his uniform there.

Walking past all of the homes in his neighborhood, he could see through some of the windows people getting ready for the dance - he also noticed from the side of his eye, a girls friend group jumping around a room excited trying on their dresses. He was happy that people happen to enjoy high school at least a bit.

Arriving at school, only the four virtuosos were there and a few people from the music club, preparing the DJ equipment. "Asano-kun, I'm afraid that we will have to extend the starting time from 8 p.m to 8.15 p.m - the DJ is stuck in a traffic jam, and since it is late now, a lot of people are coming back home from work...", Ren explained, showing Shuu the text message. Shuu closed his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath I hate adults. "Alright. I'll take care of the messages to the students, and You, take care of the rest that you had to take care of", he explained, turning away and walking to the student council room. He managed to send every 3rd year a message, informing that the dance will be delayed 15 minutes due to DJ's delay. I can't believe it. Why didn't the DJ just drive here earlier - he needs to check his equipment anyway, what a mess.

Walking out of the room, he noticed that the time is running and he needs to change. Grabbing his suit, he rushed back into the student council room - thankfully it had a mirror and he locked himself up there so no one would get in.

He was wearing a smooth white shirt and left it unbuttoned at the top for a more casual look, adding a black thin tie to it. On top of the shirt he's wearing a classy grey with stripes vest with 3 buttons, it has a very narrow v-line, and the gorge is black, which allows for a large portion of the top to remain visible, even if the suit's jacket is buttoned up.

The black jacket perfectly wraps around his body, the inside of the jacket had a red color. It's a solid color without a pattern which gives the suit a classy and graceful look. The 3 buttons of his double-breasted jacket are all buttoned up. The jacket wasn't the same length all around, it has one vent at the back, both sides a bit longer - there's a pocket on either side and there's one breast pocket which has been left empty.

He's wearing pants that have the same color as the jacket, and they create a perfect balance with his shiny brown shoes. He's wearing a fancy pair of whole cut oxfords.

To top it all off he's wearing a graceful hazelnut-colored belt, which was accompanied by white gloves.

He decided not to style his hair by brushing it back, he decided to keep it the way it is and just brushed it slightly, making it soft when it would get touched - not saying that it will be touched, but there is a high possibility that it will be, by someone. He also sprayed some of his cologne around his neck.

He looked at himself in the mirror, making a slow turn, checking if everything sits right. His lips slightly twitched up, a bit excited for the dance - yes, I did indeed tell Karma I'm just here to help and check on everything, but...

He took a deep breath and got out of the room. Through the windows in the hallways, he noticed some students already gathering in front of the hall - we will let them in at 8.10 p.m - hopefully, the DJ will be here by then.

I walked down the stairs to arrive to an already standing there DJ with my Minio- ...friends.

"I apologize for the delay", the DJ clearly tried to apologize and try to find a way to thank us for the waiting. Shuu just brushed it off, giving him a nod and walking off to the stage and getting on it.

"What's up with him today?", See whispered to Ren to which he responded with a shrug.

I can't wait, I can't wait

The time to open the doors has finally come - the students got in, the shiny dresses and dark suits filled the hall, the mixed-up cologne and sweet perfume could be smelled everywhere. Many faces, some of them familiar and some of them were just faces he saw 1-2 times that year - after all, these are all 3rd years so he didn't really bother remembering any of them anyway. He was looking out for only one person - Karma.

For some reason, Shuu felt impatient and looked desperate for his boyfriend who was to walk in any minute.

I think I might pass out if he won't come in in the next seconds-

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