I'll put my cold feet on you

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While in the shower, Shuu has been overthinking too. 

I swear I'll die as soon as I lie down in bed with Karma- 

The shower water comes as perfect rain, warm and steady, awakening my skin in all the right ways... I feel like I am becoming one with the shower... I love taking long showers... I feel so safe here... He thought to himself, slowly applying the shampoo onto his hair, creating a lot of bubbles. Now that I think of it... Karma must have used one of my shampoos and body washes... He looked around and tried to And he tried to remember if he had felt his shampoo on Karma's hair. Maybe I didn't notice because I use it myself, so it didn't catch my eye? When I leave the bathroom, I'll check it. After the relaxing shower, he quickly got out, for some reason excited to cuddle with Karma. He quickly put on his pajamas, which were the opposite of Karmas, his long-sleeved shirt was black and his joggers were the color of light gray. He tried his hair with a fresh shirt since he didn't like to use towels for his hair and styled it a bit so he won't look like a Kappa (The kappa is one of the most famous Japanese mythical creatures in Japanese folk beliefs and is characterized by various regional variants) the next morning.

He slowly opened the door and turning the lights off in the bathroom. Karma looked up, him himself still being lost in his thoughts but they suddenly all popped as soon as he saw Shuu come out. Shuu walked over to the bed.

 "I swear if you'll pull the blankets I'll put my cold feet on you", he warned, and Karma chuckled as a response. "I can't promise anything~ Now come here, let's cuddle because I'm cold", Karma answered, pulling the covers up for Shuu to get inside. Shuu rolled his eyes while shaking his head softly with a soft chuckle as he slowly and a bit embarrassed crawled under the covers. He turned around to face Karma, their noses slightly touching and Karma grinning. He put his arms on Shuu's back, pulling him close that their bodies touched, their foreheads made a soft 'boop'. Shuu took a deep breath, deep enough to recognize the shampoo Karma has used. "You smell really nice", Shuu said, literally complimenting his own shampoo. Karma grinned. "I smell like you", Karma said, stroking Shuu's soft cheeks, leaving a blush on the strawberry blond's face. "Your hair is really soft after you wash it, I like it", Karma's hand now moved over to Shuu's head, playing with his orange hair. While Karma was busy with Shuu's hair, he stared at him, totally lost in his wonderland, Karma's golden eyes slowly moving to the left and right as he was twirling the hair between his fingers softly. Shuu observed Karma's lips too - he wanted to kiss them now so badly. 

Then, Karma looked back at his boyfriend who was staring at him the whole time but when Shuu has realized that Karma has looked at him, his eyes widened and he closed his eyes in an instant. Karma started laughing. "Hey, Agent Orange - pay attention to me", with these words Shuu opened his eyes slowly, forcing himself to look at Karma. 

"People say that if you have the tendencies to look away and break eye contact when you're talking to someone, you are dishonest.~", he teased him again. "....Really? I didn't know that", Karma's words made Shuu look back at him, right into his eyes. "Yeah, so if you look away, you're the second place which means I am better." Karma grinned, obviously trying to make Shuu furious about him being the second place. Shuu inflated his cheeks like some kind of pufferfish. Karma held back his laugher at Shuu's sudden act - he also tried to keep eye-contact. "I'm not gonna lose to you, Bakabane", he said confidently, showing Karma his tongue.

"Hm~ Really?", Karma grabbed the top of the sheets, crawled under them, making just Shuu's face visible, not letting him see what he is doing under the covers. "KARMAAAAAAA", Shuu screeched in fear as he tried to pull down the covers to see what his boyfriend was up to, but to no avail, Karma held the sheet so tightly that not even Asano was able to lift it. Then, Karma crawled onto Asano's body, literally lying on top of it, grabbing his boyfriend's nightgown with one hand and pulling it up.

Oh god, what is this Moron doing-

He suddenly felt something warm on his stomach. Once again and again. Shuu blinked, not really sure what Karma was doing down there, but it felt - good. Very good if he would be honest. Shuu let out a sigh and stopped pulling the sheets up, making it easier for Karma to tease him more and harder. Karma placed kisses all around Shuu's stomach, leaving small marks behind, holding onto his hips with one hand, and with the other, he tried to find Shuu's hand to hold onto it - he caught it and didn't plan on letting it go anytime soon. Shuu's stomach was making soft twitching moves, slowly and softly lifting itself up, and back into the mattress, to the right, and to the left. Karma chuckled from under the covers. 

"It's hot in here," He said, but the moment he finished saying this, the covers went up, Shuu slipped under then as well, grabbing Karma's cheeks, and placing a kiss on his lips. It felt like the time has stopped as soon as their lips met. Karma's fingers curled around Asano's, holding tightly. "If I could... I'd hand you my beating heart on a platter", Karma whispered in the kiss silently which made Shuu skip a beat. 

"Moron, you can't do that, you wouldn't be alive anymore then"

"But you would own my heart, literally" 

"I own it right now anyway, and the plus is that you come as an extra with the heart too, so a double win" Shuu grinned, holding a chuckle back. 

"I mean- you're not wrong. Still, even if I would be here anymore, you would still be the second place", Karma pulled away from the lips kiss, to kiss the tip of Shuu's nose and smile at him teasingly. "I- Why do I love you so much again??? Ah yes, I remember. Because you're a jerk", Shuu smiled back at him sarcastically.

"Aw~ Come on, I'm not that bad, I am a very smart and respectful person."

"...An acting-like-a-five-year-old one though." 

"What are you talking about? I'm very mature."

"What about that one time you wanted to pick a fight with an I think eight-year-old for taking the last strawberry milk and we almost got thrown out of the shop?" 

"Well, it's not my fault the kid was a little bitch" 


"...Okay fine, I'm sometimes very immature, but you like it - so where is the problem?", Karma laid back down onto the soft pillow, putting his arms behind his head, and looked at Shuu. 

The orange-haired boy seated his knees, hugging them with his arms and placing his head onto his hands, looking at his boyfriend and sighing. 

"Nothing, I like you the way you are, stupid. The world is more exciting when you're around," a small smile appeared on his face, and Karma smiled childishly with satisfaction. They looked at each other till Shuu broke the silence with a blush on his face, hiding it in his hands. Karma chuckled. 

"You look very tired~ No wonder you're always in second place", Karma just had to. 

He had to say it.

"OKAY I HAD ENOUGH-", Shuu grabbed a pillow and threw it at Karma who started laughing. 

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