Can I borrow yours?

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His face was red again so he tried to get these thoughts away and focus on cleaning up.

He slowly put all of their notebooks together, slightly looking inside of those from Karma. He was a bit surprised that there was actually something in them instead of some random doodles. His math notes are pretty neat I must admit... He looked through a few pages interested in what's written in them until he heard the water in the bathroom stop. He panicked so he tried to clean up faster. The door to the bathroom slowly opened and a Karma peeked his upper body out. "Ne~ I realised I haven't brought my pyjamas~ Could I borrow yours?" God damnnit he is so adorable.

"O-Oh- oh yeah sure", Shuu got up and walked over to his closet to take out a fresh pair of pyjamas for his boyfriend. Aaaaaaa he is going to wear my pyjamas- okay I need to calm down, keep it cool don't make him think you can be 'this' open. Shuu passed the pyjamas to Karma who was holding his hand out. "Thanks~", with his finger, he softly touched and tickled Shuu's hand for just a second jokingly and Shuu tried not to chuckle.

While Shuu was making the bed ready to go to sleep, Karma sneaked out of the bathroom and behind Shuu. The orange-haired boy felt that something is fishy here and was about to turn around but then Karma threw his arms around him, making them fall onto the bed. Shuu was shocked for some reason by this sudden attack of Karmas but not quite since he somehow expected it to happen. "I like how we both are the same size so we can wear each other's clothes now~", karma exclaimed happily, putting his hands under his chin and grinning at Asano. Shuu grinned back at him in response with a soft chuckle.



"....", he blushed every time Karma said this.

"Mhm~ These pyjamas fit so well and are very comfy~," Karma said sitting up and letting Shuu free.

No... please pin me down like this once again... However, he wasn't brave enough to say it.

Karma was wearing Shuu's black white pyjamas, a long-armed white shirt with black joggers, he pulled it off so well with such simple clothes. Karmas still wet hair was falling down his face. "Let me guess, you couldn't find the hairdryer??"

"......? I don't style my hair-"

"I- You what?? How come you look so good everyd- ....", Shuu slapped his hands onto his mouth.

Karma grinned at him. "You find me good-looking?~," Karma asked slowly leaning over Shuu again.

The big, soft in the colour of Shuu's eyes bedsheets were almost eating Shuu up, he almost disappeared in them as soon as Karma pinned him down again. Shuu couldn't answer his questions and just wrapped his arms around Karmas neck to pull him closer. "Can I kiss you?", Karma whispered. Shuu chuckled and answered with a soft whisper "yeah". He also added, "but make it quick - I also need a shower.". Karma laughed in response and started kissing Shuu, but not on the lips where Shuu has expected it, but on his nose, his cheeks and his forehead. Shuu opened his eyes in surprise, still having a duck mouth ready to get a kiss but he got everything but not something he actually wanted. "Uh?", he blinked at Karma who clearly was teasing him. "What is it pumpkin pie?~".

"....You were supposed to give me a kiss-"

"I did give you a kiss. Lots of them actually"

"But not where I wanted"

"Oh, is that so? Then tell me, where do you wanted me to kiss?~", to Shuu's surprise, Karma has moved down to his chest and softly pulled by the sides of his shirt. Shuu blushed once again - It was the blush of roses, that peek of champagne pink. The colour infused cheeks dimpled with the blossoming smile and his eyes shone in a way that only deep happiness can bring. For him, it was Karma. "M-Maybe wait till I take a shower- I feel nasty-" Shuu chuckled it off. "Aww~ What are you talking abouttt~ I love each and every part of you, so let me kiss you", Shuu has never expected Karma to have a little sulk on his face - he found it amusing but at the same time very adorable, so he grinned. "I never saw you sulk, Akabane", he grabbed his cheeks and rubbed them softly. "Welllll yes indeed you haven't- but aren't you happy though? We are both opening up to each other. With each day we spend together, I always manage to find something new about you and it always surprises me in the weirdest ways possible", he chuckled and Shuu smiled. "Yeah, that's true. I never opened up this much to anyone before. The most shocking thing is that it's just been a week. So be grateful.", Shuu said with a cheeky smile, managing to escape from Karma's pin down and disappeared into his bathroom. Karma shook his head chuckling to Shuu's response and crawled under the covers. He put his hand under this chin so that his finger could softly touch his lip as he was thinking. ...Shuu. In the Shower. A soft blush appeared on his face but he tried to stay focused and strong during the thinking.

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now