Let me play~

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"Ehh?~ What are you staring so desperately for?~ I'll be right there with you, just give me a moment~", Shuu wanted to hear these exact words from his boyfriend - he smiled a bit but in embarrassment, since Karma seemed to see through him - as he usually does.

Karma grinned, crawling back next to Shuu, grabbing him by his hips and lifting him up to make him sit down on his knees. Shuu was a bit surprised by the sudden position change so he held on tight to Karmas neck. "Ah~ You're so impatient, my little Shuu~", Karma teased, kissing Shuus chest, and with one hand moving to his nipple which was already rosy and hard.

Shuu let out a gasp as Karma touched it and then proceeded to caress it. "A-Ah... It- It hurts- somehow...", "...because it's stiff - so cute", Karmas grin transferred into a small smile while complimenting a small part of Shuus body. "You are so dum- Ahhh~", he put his own hand over his mouth, closing his eyes and since his head was over Karmas, he rested his chin there, while Karma softly bit into his nipples and around them. His bottom twitched slightly, and his back arched forwards, touching Karmas chest. Karmas hand moved down to Shuu's buttocks, gripping onto one of them, making Shuu moan out.

Karma then looked down at Shuus member who was twitching and he grinned, "Ah?~ Someone is twitching~ How exciting~", he took Shuus member with his hand, caressing it softly, making Shuu grip onto Karmas hair and his iris shaking slightly. "D-Don't-", "Aww~ Come on~ Let me play~", Karma answered rubbing the tip of his member. "P-Please- I feel like I- I will-", Karma grinned, covering the tip with his finger, "Hm?~ You will what?~"

"You sadist-", Karma moaned out arching his back more. "Ah~ How adorable you are~ I could eat you up~", "L-Let g-go- p...please- ah..", one last gasp left Shuus mouth before Karma let go.

Ah... Thank God I didn't come- I would be so embarrassed ahhh-

"Idiot...", Shuu leaned back and looked down at Karma who was grinning up at him. "Hm?~ Did you want to leave that for later, Shuu?~", Karmas hands moved back around Shuus thighs to hold him there tightly. Shuus eyes widened again, "Wha-", he felt Karmas member again against his entrance making his face flush. "A-Ah-", he blinked with his head down slightly and eyes closed. The moment Karma entered him again, he bit his lips together, his toes curled up and his hands which were on Karmas shoulders, moved back to his neck, Shuus fingernails caressing against Karmas skin. "You... a-ah-are such.. a fucking moron", Shuu whimpered out, pressing his lips on Karmas, and he kissed him back, slightly harder, making them lean back a bit. Shuu now has completely taken Karmas member in, letting out another moan. Shuus legs were still weak from before, they were shaking like crazy and were slightly aching too - he still tried to lift himself up, to fall down again. Karma held onto Shuus hips as support, helping him lift himself up, letting out some moans. Shuus slender body was pressing against mine, it was perfect. I slid my fingers playfully on his back, making him shiver and gasp out. "A-Ah~", he lifted himself up again, clenching around Karmas member making him moan as well.

Those sweet kisses upon my neck were the key to my heart and soul, for every time he places them there I knew I'd adore him for all time. I promise. Shuu made his final promise, panting out. "I- mh- I can't, I can't, I'm ahh shaking t-too much-", he whimpered out exhausted, getting wetter with every moment - I was surprised by his sudden exhaustion, he got tired very quickly, so I decided to change the position back to the previous one. Shuu now laying under me, I pulled out the moment we changed positions.

His legs were still spread out to his sides, shaking more than before. "Are you okay? Do you want to stop", Karma leaned over Shuu who was covering his face with his own arm, breathing in and out heavily. No answer at first, but Shuu removed his arm from his eyes slightly, opening one eye to look at Karma, then he nodded a bit. "...I-I'm fine...g-give... me.. ahh.. minute...", I nodded and let him be for a moment, and looked down at his body. His entire chest was covered in hickeys that I left behind earlier, getting more visible. I somehow was proud of my work, but at the same time, I was worried about Shuus reaction in a few hours when he sees this. I glanced over at the clock, it was past midnight. My vision was trash at this hour, especially when it's so dark. I felt Shuus hand on mine, his fingers trembling but they held tight onto mine. I looked back up, he changed his position to lay down sideways, his hips up, and with his right thigh covering his intimate parts - He looked so beautiful, like a Greek god. His orange hair didn't even look wet from his sweat on his forehead, instead, it softly fell onto his face, covering a small part of his eyes, but his eyes pierced through - these orchid colored eyes I feel for, these orchid colored eyes I think of all night, these orchid colored eyes I dream of every night we staring directly at me. Soft sighs escaped his mouth, his body slowly rising - and falling back to the rhythm of his breathing.

I looked at Shuu, he blinked at me several times, and his left hand on which he was lying, he covered his mouth, now only his nose and eyes were visible. He was lying there in silence, the only thing I could hear, when I listened well, was the beating of our hearts and our breathing. "Karma", he mumbled and I instantly got pulled out of my thoughts. "...I... I want to... continue a bit longer...", he said, clearly embarrassed but I smiled at him and nodded, "As you wish".

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now