Yellow like tulips pillows

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"...When... When do you want to do it? You said the future form of 'do' so?...", Shuu seemed confused, but his entire face was all red, good thing Karma couldn't see it, or he would tease him again.

"huh?...", Karma sat up tilling his head to the side.

"...Wasn't my question clear enough?", Karma could hear Shuu getting closer with every word in this sentence, he could feel his breath on his face which gave him shivers. "Shuu-", he mumbled and Shuu leaned dangerously close over him and whispered, "When do you want to do it, with me? Tell me", he managed to say it in such a seductive voice that Karma has never heard before, that made his heart pump harder, his face turning slightly red. "What is it, Karma? I can't see your face so I don't know what your facial expression is telling me, but I can feel it that if you're not saying anything, that might mean you are blushing, aren't you?", Shuus hand was between Karmas legs, so extremely close. Karma swallowed his saliva slowly, obviously being all sexually confused.

"Shuu-", Karma didn't really know what to say so he just whispered his boyfriend's name out. Shuu grinned in amusement that he made Karma all confused, so he just kissed his cheeks as a win and leaned back. "Hah~", he then proceeded to lay back down. Karma, who was leaning against the wall, didn't know if he just died or he was saved for some reason. 

My heart... it's beating so fast... ahhh- 

He swallowed his saliva again and decided to lay down as well. "Huh~ So no more teasing? What a surprise~", Shuu mentioned when Karma laid down. "", Karma answered silently. "Great~ Good night then", Shuu said in a sadistic tone and smiling in amusement. "...G- Good night...", Karma was still embarrassed and was still blushing. Shuu let out a soft chuckle turning to face Karma and putting his arm around him and his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes. They both eventually fell asleep, Karma taking a bit longer since he was still blushing.

The next morning, around 9:02 am, Shuu woke up - he was a bit furious at himself that he wanted good 2 hours for sleeping instead of studying, but the moment he woke up, he noticed that Karma wasn't next to him, just his part of the bed was made. Shuu raised an eyebrow at the sudden sound he heard a few words coming from downstairs. "Up in the castle with my new family...". 

What is going on?

He got up, stretched a bit to not fall over from this sudden action. Walking over to the door, he slowly opened it, the sounds getting louder. He got down the stairs, the door to the living room was slightly opened - it seemed like the sounds came from there. He opened the door, peeking through, to spot a bit of red hair, more like a small ponytail - and sounds of a bowl. Karma-

He didn't seem to be concerned why he wore a hair tie to hold his hair up - he was more worried about what he was watching.


(Sofia the First)~

I'm finding out what being royal's all about~

(Sofia the First)~

Making my way it's an adventure everyday~

Karma singing along a bit, swinging to the left and right in sync. Shuu put his hand silently on his mouth in slight shock at what the hell he is dating and as well being concerned over Karma.

The singing of his stopped. The most terrifying look to be ever imagined on Karmas face has appeared as he turned around. His hair tie at the top of his head, holding his hair together as he sat there on his couch eating cornflakes, his mouth full with it. "............Shuu-"

"Good morning"

"....mornin'- I- I can explain-", he mumbled in embarrassment.

Shuu could help but let out a chuckle and walk over, his arms wrapping around Karmas neck. "Hm~ I didn't know you were this soft to watch such shows~ Very interesting", Shuu messed around with him. "Ahhh~ Stoppp I am so embarrassed"

"ShUu YoU aRe A bOtToM~ Bullshit, look at you"
"Ay ayyyy I am NOT a bottom, after all, what's wrong with watching such series? At least it's nothing brutal or so", Was Karmas explanation. 

Pathetic. "You're pathetic"

"Mh~ Maybe~ Wanna join me?"

"..." Shuu stayed silent for a second.

"...Yeah", he then agreed, and Karma continued, "I made breakfast for you in the kitchen - I don't eat much in the morning so I just ate cornflakes. I put out bread, marmalade, and cheese, and other ingredients that go into a sandwich, but I also prepared some rice for you and a fish that is warming up in my small fish-oven, please feel free to take whatever you want", he stroked over Shuus hands which were tied around his own neck with his fingers gently. "Mh~ Alright, thank you", Shuu let go of Karma, turning away and walking to the kitchen to get himself the food.

Karma who continued to sit on the couch, felt his face warm up.

Aaaaa I am so embarrassed-

He heard Shuu coming back so he tried to calm down. Shuu walked around the couch, sitting down on it, his plate with a piece of bread with butter and strawberry marmalade and about three spoonfuls of rice next to it. Karma glanced over to Shuus plate and Shuu looked up. 

"...What?", he raised an eyebrow in question. "Is that all? Don't you want a bit more? You need the energy to study", Karma confessed, putting his bowl aside onto a small table. Shuu knew Karma was concerned, but it was his time to tease his boyfriend a bit and make him play along. "I think that's enough for me, after all, I get to kiss you so I am fully convinced I am full just by getting kisses from you.", Shuu gave Karma a grin, putting his plate to the side as well as he said those words, wrapping his arms around Karma and pulling him closer.

Karma blushed a bit from the sudden flirtation of his boyfriend, but he grinned as well, letting Shuu pull him so that he was pinning him to the couch. Their faces came closer. Shuu placed a short kiss on Karmas lips, breaking it after two seconds "Good morning, Moron", Shuu mumbled out in this short break and then he kissed Karma again, more passionate this time. Karma chuckled, this time him breaking the kiss by doing so and adding an answer. "Good Morning, Controlfreak", he mumbled and continued to kiss his boyfriend on the couch.

Sadly, both of these ‚very smart' boys, didn't seem to realize it's not a bed or something bigger and totally forgot it's a small couch. They were kissing so intensely that Karma happened to roll off it, falling to the floor. Shuus eyes widened in shock, he didn't seem to be concerned, but instead, he slapped his hand onto his mouth and started laughing frantically. "Oh my God, are you okay? Hahahaha", Shuu was almost crying from laughter, throwing himself back onto the couch, his back hitting the soft yellow like tulips pillows.

Karma couldn't help but laugh as well as he was laying on the floor. Shuu grinned, turned his body around so that he was laying with his stomach on the couch, slightly leaning out to face the laying on the floor Karma. "Hm~ Look at you, always the second place~"

Karma obviously had a comeback.

„Hm?~ Oh I don't mind to be second place~ Either way, I'll stay by your side, or under you or on top~", he was referring to something else than studying. 

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now