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"Did you apologize to Allison?" Stiles asks

"Yeah" Scott sighs dazed

"Is she giving you a second chance, or...?"

"Yeah" still not looking at his best friend

"Yeah? All right! So, everything's good?" Says Stiles excited


"No?..." Stiles repeats confused

"Remember... the Hunters? Her dad is one of 'em."

"Her dad—?" Stiles asks shocked

"—shot me—" Scott continues nodding

"Allison's father—?" Stiles asks again, still in shock

"—with a crossbow." Scott nods

"Allison's father?" Stiles asks flabbergasted

"Yes! Her father!" Scott says impatiently. "Oh, my God—"

"No, Scott. Snap back!" Stiles says, seeing the state his friend is in. "You okay? Hey, all right? He didn't recognize you, right?"

"No... N-no, I don't think so..." Scott replies thoughtfully

"Does she know about him?" Stiles then asks

"Oh, yeah, I don't know! What if she does? This is gonna kill me, man—" Scott starts rambling panicked

"What is?" A female voice asks from behind Stiles, making him jump in surprise

"What is?" A female voice asks from behind Stiles, making him jump in surprise

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"Oh my god, can you stop doing that!" Stiles exclaims

"Again, it's you Stiles, you're the problem, with your tiny heart." Alycia McCall states. "Now, is someone going to answer me?."

"Allison's father is the hunter, the one who shot me." Scott explains

"Wait, wait, wait, is this the part where I say something like 'oh my god, this is so bad'? Cuz I like this drama so far." Alycia says

The two boys give her a look

"Okay, obviously I'm joking... but I do like it-" she mutters the last part and continues. "You know, for now you should just focus on lacrosse, okay?"

"Right, here, Scott. Take this. Take this, and focus on lacrosse, okay? That's all you gotta do, yeah?" Stiles says nodding towards the petit girl.

"Lacrosse." Scott nods

"Here we go!" Stiles says

"Let's go! One-on-one from up top!" Coach says walking into the locker room. " Jackson— take a long stick today. Atta boy! That's how you do it! Greenberg, take a lap! Let's go Faster, Greenberg! Let's go. McCall, what are you waiting for? Let's go! Hey, Female McCall! What in my dead grandmothers name are you still doing here?"

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now