[8.3] LUNATIC: act three

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Argent lays out a topographical map of Beacon Hills in the garage. Kate and Ulrich and a third hunter gather around.

"Another night of kicking through leaves in the woods?" Kate asks with her voice full of irritation.

"I prefer to think of it as another night trying to keep innocent people from being killed. A list which now includes my daughter." Argent says looking at his sister.

"How do we know it won't try going after her again?" Tyhurst asks, the third hunter.

They turn to him. Turns out it's the State Detective brought in by Stilinski.

"It won't go after Allison." Kate says it almost to herself, an odd certainty in her voice.

"It won't have any target at all. Not on a full moon." Argent continues.

"How come?" Ulrich asks.

"Because, my young protegé, an Alpha is like any other werewolf on a full moon. It still struggles under its sway. Which means tonight is our best chance to catch it. When it's unfocused." Argent explains looking everyone straight into the eyes.

"What if it had a reason to stay focused." Kate asks.

"You know something we don't?" Argent furrows his eyebrows in suspicion.

"I just don't like surprises. You're the expert. You tell me."

A moment of tension. Ulrich breaks it.

"What about Derek? And the girl who was with him?"

"What girl?" Argent asks turning to look at Kate. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Look, Derek is smarter than that. He won't be out tonight, especially with cops everywhere. And leave the girl on me."

"But if for some reason the girl and Derek are—"

A sound stops him. The door to the kitchen creaking open. Mrs. Argent stands with a plate held in her hands.

"If they are... You find them, you kill them, you cut them in half, i don't care if the girl is innocent or not." She holds up the plate. "Anyone want a cookie?"


Allison pulls a plastic-wrapped chocolate chip cookie from a brown paper bag during lunch. She smiles at the sticky note attached with a smiley face on it and the words: Love mom.

Jackson sits down to join her as she takes a bite.

"You got something on your..." He says motioning to her. She looks up, chocolate on her lip. "Here, let me."

He reaches over and with his thumb, gently wipes the chocolate off her lip. Then, licks his finger, eating the cookie.

"Thanks." Allison shyly says.

"No problem."

"You want the bite?" Allison asks.

"What?" Jackson looks at her with wide eyes to see her holding up the cookie.

"You want a bite?"

"Oh. Um, no. Thanks." He unconsciously slides a hand over the back of his neck.

"You doing okay? I mean since the other night?" She asks.

"Better than i thought i would be. You still thinking about everything that happened?" He asks.

"Mostly about Scott. I haven't talked to him." Allison looks down.

"Probably a good idea."

She glances at Jackson, his expression held still as if he's trying to keep something back.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now