[3.5] PACK MENTALITY: act five

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Allison holds a sweater up to her mirror. Then turns to Lydia who lounges on the bed.

"Pass" Lydia says

Allison grabs a very California shirt.

"Pass" Lydia says again

Allison grabs a Spanish looking shirt.

"Paso doble. Pass, pass, pass on all of it. God, Allison. Respect for your taste? Dwindling by the second." Lydia states honestly. She then gets up and yanks something black out of the closet. "This"

The bedroom door swings open unannounced. It's Argent, pulling on his jacket.

"Dad, hello?" Allison says furrowing her eyebrows

"Right. Sorry, completely forgot to knock." Argent says smiling

"Hi, Mr. Argent." Lydia says with a flirty grin. She slides her leg up on the bed, striking a model-like pose. To her annoyance, Argent doesn't notice.

"Dad? Need something?" Allison asks her dad

"Just wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight." Her dad says

"What? I'm going out with my friends tonight." Allison says with an irritated sigh

"Not when some animal out there is attacking people."


"It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past ten PM." Her dad tells her

Allison points to his jacket saying "you're going out."

"I'm over eighteen. No more arguing." He shuts the door behind him.

"Someone's Daddy's little girl." Lydia says with a grin

"Sometimes. But not tonight." Allison says. She opens her bedroom window. Lydia watches, intrigued, as Allison slips out onto the roof. She skids to the edge, but before falling off, launches herself.

Allison catches a nearby tree branch and then releases herself, doing a back flip right onto the lawn below. She looks up to Lydia.

"Eight years gymnastics, emphasis in uneven bars. You coming?" Allison asks

Lydia stops staring in astonishment and nods to the door.

"I'll take the stairs."


Sitting on her bed with her laptop in her hands, Alycia starts typing.

She decided to do some research on the internet, to find more information about her powers.

At first, nothing catches her attention, every site says the same, witches , but Alycia knows it's more than that.

Finally, after an hour of doing research, she finds something.

The Element
Earth is one of the four classic elements along with water, fire, and air, and is bound to the others through Quintessence. It is a classic element, considering that the Guardian who controls it can control almost any and all materials and substances found on earth.

The following is a list of powers, abilities, and talents a Guardian of Earth possesses:

Control water: At the beginning of becoming 'A Guardian of Earth' the first thing that you can control is water you can also posses it.

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