[3] PACK MENTALITY: act one

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The school grounds lie dark and deserted. Under the moonlight, two long shadows approach, stretching across the pavement toward a school bus. Scott and Allison appear, hand in hand.

"Where are you taking me?" Allison whispers

"Somewhere we can be alone." Scott says

"We are alone."

"Somewhere we can be more alone."

Giving her a playful smile, he pries the door of the bus open and holds it for her. Slowly, she steps inside.

Scott leads Allison into the aisle and toward the rear of the bus. He takes the last seat by the back window. She sits down as well. In the seat across from him. He throws her a look as if to say 'oh really?' But she's not moving.

So Scott slips into the seat with her. She turns to him and in the next moment, they're kissing, his lips over hers in the back of the dark, empty school bus.

His hands descend to her thighs, pulling her up to his own body. Allison's fingers slide over the nape of his neck, her back arching up, body pushing into his.

Scott's hands grasp at her, fingernails turning to claws which rake her jacket, tearing at the fabric. He jerks back suddenly, eyes squeezed shut.

"What? What's wrong?" Allison asks breathless.

Trying to keep her from seeing his eyes, he pulls up out of the seat.

"Get away." He says

"Scott?" Allison asks confused

His eyes open wide revealing them to be a seething yellow.

"Get away from me!" He shouts

Shocked, Allison pulls back. In a flash, she's out of the seat, trying not to turn and look even as a low growl comes from behind her. She rushes down the aisle as fast as she can when Scott's clawed hand snags her ankle and WHAM! Allison goes down hard, eyes wide in terror.

Hands now around both ankles, Scott drags her back, her fingernails scraping the floor. But then she twists around and kicks, heels landing on the creature behind her. Staggering back from the blow, Scott roars in fury, rattling the bus. Now grown to a monstrous black shape his eyes burn a vicious blood red.

He charges, massive clawed hands ripping up the bus seats as Allison reaches the door, pushing out. But she's stuck. She tries to jam her way out, finally getting through, door slamming open as...


Stiles slams his jeep door shut, slinging his school bag over his shoulder.

The siblings following behind.

"And then what? You killed her?" Stiles asks

"I don't know. I woke up. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breath. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that." Scott says

"I have. But it usually ends a little differently." Stiles says, not noticing that he adverted his eyes to the petit girl.

She didn't notice this either, meanwhile Scott did, giving him a weird look.

"That's disgusting, Stilinski" Alycia breaths out

"A: I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real. And B: never give me that much detail about you in bed ever again, especially not in front of my little sister." Scott says giving him a pointed look

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now