[11.2] FORMALITY: act two

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Alycia walks in the examining room, holding the instruments Deaton asked her to get. She puts them on the table, hard.

Scott snaps awake because of the sound, sitting up on the steel table. His feet land on the concrete floor as Deaton steps out from around the corner.

"Thank you, Alycia." He smiles at the girl before turning his attention to the male. "Welcome back to the land of the conscious. You doing okay?"

Scott answers by swaying back, looking as if he might pass out. Alycia steps forward, taking his arm, keeping him from falling.

"Maybe you should sit down." Alycia says.

A chime rings through the clinic, causing them to look up. They hear a slight creak, the front door opening and then easing shut.

Deaton cocks his head to listen. Scott's grip on Alycia begins to tighten, fear renewing his strength.

"Hello?" Deaton calls out.

No response comes. Scott walks forward with the help of his sister. He pulls at Deaton, trying to draw him back. But the man remains perfectly calm.

"I'm sorry, but we're closed."

From around the corner comes the slightest sound of footfalls.

Deaton starts forward, but Scott digs into his sleeve. Gently, Deaton pries his fingers off and gives them a reassuring smile.

He steps toward the front of the office, where Peter Hale stands just inside the door.

"Hi there, i'm here to pick up." Peter smiles.

"Sorry, i'm not sure i remember you dropping off."

"This one wandered in on its own, making the second one wander in too."

"Even if they did, i'm afraid i can't help you. We're closed."

In the examining room, Scott and Alycia hide in the corner against the brick wall.

Scott listens, breath held as Peter keeps pushing.

"I think you could make an exception this one time, don't you?"

"I'm sorry, that's not going to be possible. Maybe you could come back during regular hours."

Peter loses his smile. He steps toward Deaton.

"You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it."

"Like i said... We're closed."

Peter stops at the gated border between the waiting area and the office used to keep animals out. Confident veneer cracking slightly, he tries to approach the gate again, but it's almost like an invisible barrier presses him back.

Hand coming up, he traces the tips of his fingers across the two-inch wood surface of the gate.

"Made from mountain ash? Right? That's an old one." Peter laughs.

In the blink of an eye, Peter's hand wraps around one of the chairs in the waiting area. He yanks it up and sends it hurtling over the border to smash against the wall.

It tumbles to the floor beside Deaton. Movement comes from the back of the clinic. Peter glances past him to the sound.

"Let me be as clear as possible. We. Are. Closed." Deaton says expressionless.

Calm returning, Peter finally gives a polite nod and moves for the door. But with his hand on the knob, he pauses to whisper...

"There are other people who can help me get what i want, Scott."

In the back, Scott presses against the brick wall, listening to Peter's voice with his heightened hearing.

"More innocent. And far more vulnerable."

The door clicks closed with a gentle chime and Scott slumps down against the wall, knowing exactly who Peter was talking about...


Alycia looks up.


"He's going for Allison."



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