[5.2] THE TELL: act two

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Sheriff Stilinski drives while Stiles searches through fast food bags.

"Did they forget my curly fries?" Stilinski asks

"You're not supposed to eat fries. Especially the curly ones." Stiles says

"I am carrying a lethal weapon

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"I am carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries."

"If you think getting rid of contractions in your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate, you are wrong." Stiles says turning toward his father.

Before Stilinski can respond, the radio buzzes to life.

"Unit one, do you copy?"

Father and son reach for the CB at the same instant, hands knocking into each other. Stilinski throws a look.

"Sorry, force of habit." Stiles apologizes

"Unit one, copy." Stilinski says into the radio.

"Got a report of a possible 187."

Stiles looks up while stuffing a handful of his father's fries into his mouth. He knows exactly what a 187 is.

"A murder?" He asks looking excited

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"A murder?" He asks looking excited.


Lights flashing, Stilinski's car roars into the lot, pulling up next to two other Deputy Sheriff cruisers.


Stilinski turns to his son.

"Stay here." He orders

He hurries out to confer with his deputies. Stiles sits impatiently while taking in the store's shattered window, the knocked over shelves and...

Lydia and Jackson being led out.

"No. Way." He mutters


Stilinski turns from a crowd of bystanders to his deputies.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now