[10.6] CO-CAPTAIN: act six

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Stiles and Melissa look over the damage to the cars as witnesses gather.

"I don't know what happened. You guys came out of nowhere." Stiles says, frantically moving his hands around.

"Came out of nowhere? We were parked on the side of the road." Melissa furrows her brows.

"How crazy is that? We should call the police, do an accident report."

"I don't think that's necessary." Peter says, walking to the two.

"You sure? I'm feeling a little whiplash." Stiles says, touching the back of his neck.

"You have whiplash? You hit us." Melissa says.

"Something's definitely wrong with my neck."

"Something will be when i'm strangling it with my bare hands."

Neither of them notice Peter stepping away, his gaze wandering to the shadows.

"I know you're there. And i'm impressed. Too bad most teenagers aren't as smart. Kind of like that friend of yours on the lacrosse team, Jackson. The one who thinks he knows all about us." Down the street, Scott's tired gasps stop, breath now held tight in the grip of fear. "You know how they say knowledge is power? Not in his case."

Realization dawning on him, Scott slowly steps back. Then turns on his heels to run for it. Hurtling off the road, he races not for his own life. But for Jackson's.


Jackson walks just ahead of Derek. His excited anticipation, however, seems to lessen with every step forward.

"This is it? This place?" He asks.

"Go ahead."

"It's safe to go in? I don't want rafters falling on my head." Jackson takes a hard swallow, then inches his way up the steps. He glances back yet again. But Derek simply nods him onward. Reaching for the doorknob, Jackson pauses to notice just how badly his hand trembles. "What... What's in here?"

"Everything you want. Just go in."

Hand on the knob, Jackson turns it and slowly pushes the door open. He doesn't step in yet, trying to peer into the darkness. But he can't seem to make anything out inside.

A creak of a floorboard makes him flinch. Derek steps up behind him, his voice soft. Friendly.

"It's going to be all right. Trust me."

Finally, Jackson steps over the treshold.


Jackson walks deeper into the charred house. Apprehension turns to confusion as he gazes about.

"This house..." He's so entranced by the staircase and room before him, he doesn't see Derek's fingers spread, claws out. "This is the same house."

Derek abruptly stops.

"What did you say?"

"I dreamt about this place." Jackson steps into what was once the living room, now blackened and ampty. His hand drifts to the scratches on the back of his neck as he speaks. "I remember the couch. That lamp. I remember... everything."

"You've been here?" Derek asks confused.

"No. Never. I dreamt it." Hands lightly touching the furniture, he stops. Then slowly turns back around, eyes meeting Derek's. "There's no one else here."


"And no one else coming."


Lower lip beginning to tremble, Jackson bites it back. But when he looks up he can't hide the fear.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now