[11.4] FORMALITY: act four

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The bell rings, sending the boys in the locker room hurrying out of their gym clothes to get back to class. Coach barrels through with Scott trying to catch him.

"What do you mean i can't go to the formal?" Scott asks confused.

"McCall, you're failing my class and two others. They told me to cut you from the team. I said i'd sooner cut off my one remaining testicle than my best player." Coach says.

"So the compromise is i can't go to the dance? Then i quit the team."

"No, you don't. And if you show up at that dance i'll personally haul you out by your teeth." Coach gives him a stern look, before it softens. "Make sure Alycia arrives safely."

"Why do you care so much about her?" Scott asks confused.

"She--" Coach takes a deep breath before continuing. "She looks like my daughter..."

"You have a daughter?"


Coach slams the door of his office shut.


Moments later at another locker, an incredulous Jackson turns to Scott and Stiles. They speak in hushed whispers, trying not to be heard by others.

"You want me to take her to the formal?" Jackson asks confused.

"I don't want you to. I need you to." Scott answers.

"Screw you." He then turns to Stiles. "Screw you too." He gives them both a look. "In fact, screw each other."

"He saved your life." Stiles tries.

"He left me for dead."

"I got shot for you."

"Oh yeah? Show me the bullet wound."

"You know it healed." Scott sighs, getting frustrated.


"Then do it for Allison. She's in serious danger. I'm talking around-the-clock danger and someone has to keep an eye on her at the dance."

"Try her dad. He's the one equipped to actually handle this."

"How am i supposed to do that and keep him from finding out about me?"

"Not my problem."

Jackson moves to leave but Scott blocks him.

"You're her friend too. You are. All that time you spent with her just to get me? You can't tell me you didn't get to know her and like her. It's Allison. It's impossible to not like her. You can't tell me you don't care if she gets hurt."

"What if i get hurt?"

"Then it's worth it."

"Not to me."

Jackson shoves him out of the way. Stiles turns to Scott.

"I don't want to say i told you so... because it's not strong enough. How about: i'm always right, you should listen to whatever i say and never disagree, ever, ever, ever." Stiles says.

"I'm not done." Scott smirks at Stiles.

They both look at Jackson, who reaches for the door to the hall. Just as he opens the door, someone harshly pulls him out of the locker room.

Stiles's eyes widen when he sees who it is.


Alycia pulls him harshly towards her, making sure they're eye to eye.

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