[9.4] WOLF's BANE: act four

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Lydia pushes past other students in the crowded hall as everyone hits their lockers for the end of day rush. Jackson looks up to see her waving her phone at him.

"This little text? Not funny."

"I wasn't trying to be funny. I would have put a haha at the end of it." He points to the phone. "See? No haha. Just a period."

"Lydia, please give back my spare house key at your earliest convencience as we are no longer dating." Lydia reads the text.

"You didn't lose it, did you?"

"What the hell is this?"

"In preparation of some big changes, I've decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life. And you're just about the deadest."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Dumping, actually. I'm dumping you." He shuts the locker and slings his bag over his shoulder.

"Dumped by the co-captain of the Lacrosse team."

Jackson pauses, the emphasis on co cracking his confidence ever-so-slightly.

"I wonder how many minutes it will take to get over that." Lydia continues.

Jackson starts off, ignoring her--

"Oh wait... seconds."

But Jackson just smiles that perfect smile and continues walking into the darkening corridor.


Hurtling into his room, Stiles rips his bag off his back and jumps to his computer, Alycia close behind him, following him to his computer.

Stiles types whiles simultaneously trying to kick his chair underneath him to grab a seat for himself and one for Alycia.

"Stiles?" Stilinski yells from downstairs.

"Yes--" Stiles turns around to face Derek. "Derek?"

"What?" Alycia turns around to meet eyes with the werewolf.

Stiles snaps his mouth shut as Derek rolls his eyes. The door clicks open, Stiles doesn't lose a second before jumping from his desk to leave his room, before his dad can come inside.

Alycia looks down, awkwardly.

Meanwhile, Derek tries to catch her attention, moving closer.

"What did you say?" Stilinski's voice makes him stop his movements.

"Yes, dad?"

"Just headed back to work. But i'm coming tonight. Your first game."


Stiles's dad doesn't make a move to leave.

"I'm so unbelievably proud of you." He smiles.

"So am I, very proud. Of Stiles." Alycia says, leaving the room before it becomes harder for her to breath. Being in a room with someone you kissed, twice, and haven't talked to since then, isn't really the best experience.

Stilinski smiles.

"Hey, birdie. You're here too?"

"Yeah, i came here to make our project for biology." The girl lies.

The older man nods, before turning to leave. But then he changes his mind and turns back again.

"They're really going to let you play this time?"

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now