[12] CODE BREAKER: act one

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Two yellow eyes blink in slow motion, lids gradually closing, lashes delicately brushing together and then pulling apart.

Cold breath pluming out form behind his fangs, Scott glances from Tyhurst in one truck to Argent in the other. Then to the confused and frightened face behind the window of the bus.


Unable to take her eyes off him.

The pulsing beat of dance music drifts out through the walls of the school, rising up, gaining in tempo, thumping faster and faster until Argent's door opens and the click of metal sends normal sound and time exploding back into Scott's ears.

With no other choice, he leaps up, all eyes following him. Landing on top of the bus, he bounds over it and disappears into the darkness.


In the middle of the shadowy lacrosse field, a terriefied Stiles looks up from Lydia's unconscious and bloodied body to Peter crouched over her.

"No. We can't just leave her here."

"You're coming with me, Stiles, you don't have a choice."

"Then kill me. I don't care."

Peter eyes him, head craning forward as if to determine Stiles's conviction by scent or heartbeat.

"Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get." Just before Stiles can take his phone, Peter warns him. "If you call Alycia, i'll kill Lydia, you and then her. You got that? She doesn't have to know i'm here."

Stiles furrows his brows. With a trembling hand, Stiles pulls his phone from his coat.


Allison steps out of the bus, movements slow and deliberate. Her heels click down onto the pavement, hand slipping away from the door as her knees buckle.

Just before she can fall, Argent is there with an arm around her. She blinks up at him as if not recognizing him.

"It's all right. You're okay."

But looking into his eyes, she slowly shakes her head as if to respond that she's not okay.

Not at all.


Racing through the woods, Scott runs faster than humanly possible. Sport coat tossing to the leaves, he reverts back to human form with each desperate bound and leap.


Tyhurst backs his truck out from between the buses while Argent quickly guides Allison toward his own vehicle. She doesn't cry, doesn't say a word.

"Come on, we need to get you out of here."

Allison gets in and her slams the passenger side door shut.


Tumbling through leaves and brush, Scott comes crashing to a halt. Gasping, he pulls himself up.

With each blink of his eyes, the image of Allison at the window flashes before him. The look on her face as she sees him, the truth dawning on her.

Hands digging into the dirt, every muscle in his body tenses up in pure agony. Head tilting to the sky, Scott opens his mouth to cry out.


Screams burst over the parking lot of the school. Girls point in terror and heads snap around to look at the nightmarish sight stepping out of the woods.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now