[10.3] CO-CAPTAIN: act three

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Lydia hugs herself in the cold while Allison comes back to her with the charred target in hand.

"Well, that was fun. Any other lethal weapons you want to try out?"

But Allison stops. Cocking her head, she listens to the woods around them. A moment later, they both hear it. Movement through the brush and leaves.

"What was that?" Lydia asks, looking around.

"Quiet." Allison hushes her. But now there's nothing. Not a sound. "Here, hold this."

She hands the bow to Lydia.

"What? Why?"

"I thought i heard something."

"So what if you heard something?"

"So i want to go find out what that something is. Don't worry, it's probably nothing."

"What if nothing is something and that something is something dangerous?" Lydia rambles.

"Shoot it." Allison says nodding to the bow.

Without another word, Allison takes off, leaving Lydia to look utterly ridiculous while grasping at the weapon with her mittens.

"Allison?" Lydia calls out pathetically.

Venturing off the trail, Allison moves quickly but quietly.

Something slips through the brush just near her. She stops at the sound. Then retreats a step, pulling back against a tree. Breath held, she slowly steps away and spins back with the taser X26 in her hands.

She fires it, twin prongs soaring through the air and landing on Scott.

He jerks back and falls to the ground with the strangled cry of someone being pummeled with 50 thousand volts of electricity.


Rushing over, she attempts to pull out the prongs, but he's still convulsing with spasms.

"Finger-- trigger-- finger." Scott says in agony.

Allison notices she still has her finger on the trigger, still sending an electric charge into his shuddering body.

"Oh!" She opens her hand, dropping the weapon to the ground. Finally, Scott breathes, his body relaxing into the leaves. "I'm so, so, so sorry."

"My fault, totally my fault." Scott breathes out.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, f-f-f-fine."

He shudders from the remaining charge still snapping at his muscles.

"I didn't know it was you. If i knew it was you..."

"You still would've pulled the trigger?"

"No, of course not. Seriously, i'm sorry." Allison says with a smile.

He plucks the prongs out of his shirt and skin, wincing in pain. Then, helping gather up the wires and the taser, he's about to hand it back to her when his body has another uncontrollable convulsion.

The taser launches right out of his grasp. Allison manages to catch it, glancing back to him with an unsure smile.

"You're sure you're okay?"

"I think so." Scott smiles.

"What were you doing anyway? Were you following us?"

"No. Not at all. Your dad told me you run this trail sometimes. I was kind of just hoping to catch you, alone."

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now