[8.6] LUNATIC: act six

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Stiles barrels out the front door of the McCall home. He charges into his Jeep and fires up the engine.


Scott leaps up out of the darkness, landing on the roof of an empty car in the parking lot.

Ragged breath pluming out from between his fangs, he gazes past the other vehicles parked outside the sports store, eyes landing on Jackson's Porsche.

Through the windshield, Allison and Jackson can be seen talking inside. A seemingly innocent conversation.

Until, Scott blinks and the perspective changes.

The talking becomes heated groping and kissing. Jackson all over Allison's neck as her palm presses to the window. His hands go up her shirt, urging the small of her back to arch toward him.


Inside the car, however, Allison and Jackson are still just talking

"But did you see him?" Allison asks.

"I saw someone standing in the hall. It might have been Derek. But i couldn't see any features. It was just this kind of black shape." Jackson explains.


Scott's low growls heighten as he watches them, his yellow eyes blinking rapidly. For a moment he sees them just talking. But then his perspective changes again.

Jackson slides on top of Allison as he pulls her closer to him with his other hand, their kissing becoming more and more passionate.


Jackson shifts closer to Allison, voice lowering to an uneasy whisper.

"This is where it gets hard to explain. The guy... or whatever he was... He got down on all fours. And then just took off." He whispers.

"On all fours? Like hands and knees?"

"No. Hands and feet. Like an animal. He moved like an animal."

"So how do you know it wasn't an animal?" Allison asks furrowing her brows.

"Because when it was standing, it looked like a guy. Like a man."

"Then... what was it?"


Alycia sits down on her bed, taking her phone out of her pocket, before dialing a number.

She puts the phone to her ear and listens as the line peeps thrice before it turns off.

"Damn you, Scott." She mutters.

She closes her eyes, laying down on the bed. Just as she's about to open them, visions start covering the blackness behind her closed eyelids.

Allison with Jackson.

Scott with a man, fighting.

Allison and Jackson kissing.

Scott killing Jackson.

"Oh, shit." She jumps up, not wasting any time she picks up her phone and calls Stiles.


Stiles blasts through the streets of Beacon Hills, looking for any clues on where Scott might be.

A vibration in his back pocket makes him jump.

He takes the phone out of his back pocket and puts it to his ear, not looking at the name on the screen.


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