[11.5] FORMALITY: act five

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A garment bag unzips to reveal a black sport coat. Melissa looks it over while Scott rushes in and out of his bathroom, hurrying to get ready.

"This is really nice. How did you afford-- Oh."

Numerous tears on the inside of the coat have been painstakingly repaired with duct tape.

"It's not going to work, is it?" Scott asks.

"No, it's fine. No one will notice." She mutters the next words under her breath. "No one legally blind."

"I heard that."

Scott comes out of the bathroom, having finished tying his tie.

"Well, let's try it on." Mellisa says. He quickly pulls on the jacket. "Actually, i think it looks pretty--" And then he turns around. "Oh boy." Melissa mutters.

There is a huge tear in the middle of his butt. Scott spins back in alarm.

"I don't have time for this. I can't buy new ones. What am i going to do?"

Suddenly, Alycia enters the room in her dress.


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"Whoa..." Both, Melissa and Scott, look at her with their jaws touching the floor.

"You really made a good choice choosing that blue dress. You look so beautiful, sweetheart." Mama McCall smiles with teary eyes.

"Thanks, mom."

"You look breath-taking, Al."

"Thank you, Scott." She looks at his suit. Frowning she hurries back to her room. Moments later, she walks back with a new suit in her hands. "You didn't think i would forget about you, did you? Lydia payed for it, as an apology gift."

"You-- Oh god, i love you so much. Thank you." Scott takes the suit from her, rushing in to his bathroom to change into it.

"Is the girl coming here? You know i need the car tonight." Melissa changes the subject.

"I'm going stag." Scott says, walking out the bathroom with his new suit on. "How do i look?"

"You look handsome." Alycia smiles.


"You're going alone?" Melissa asks.

"Stag. There's a difference, sort of."

"I'm just surprised there are no other girls besides Allison you could have asked."

"Mom, there are no other girls besides Allison."

"You really feel that way?"

"Mom, please, not now, i have no time."

"You've got time for one question. Do you really feel that way?"

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