[11.6] FORMALITY: act six

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Red spotlights flash over Scott dancing with Allison. He can't stop looking at her.

"What?" Allison asks self-conscious.

"It's just hard not to look at you." Scott smiles.

He turns his glance to the floor. But she leans in, her cheek brushing his, lips to his ear.

"I like it when you look at me." She whispers.

Relaxing, he lets his hands close more tightly around her.

"I remember this one time, i was holding you and you fell asleep in my arms. I was watching you. I thought to myself i could stay like this for hours. Or maybe forever. And then... you started drooling and it got kind of disgusting." Scott says making Allison laugh, almost tripping over her feet as they dance. "Then my arm fell asleep with you head on it and the pins and needles started to hurt and i pushed your head, but the drool was getting on my hand--"

"Okay, shut up."

"Sorry, i like hearing you laugh. And i love your smile." Allison looks up, stunned to hear those last words. "Allison. I need to tell you something..."


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Tearing down a dark path, slapping away the branches at his face, Jackson searches desperately for the Alpha.

"Come on, do it. I know you're here." He spins around, eyes blinking, unable to adjust to the darkness. All he can see are shadowd and movement. Vague and undefined. Something is out there. "Come on, come and get me."

Flashes of red.

He spins, racing for the glowing eyes. But he trips on a tree root and goes sprawling into the dirt and leaves, his perfect suit muddied.

Dragging himself up, he lurches forward pathetically.

"Come on! I want to be like you. I want to be one of you. Please." Jackson shouts desperatly.

But then those flashes of red light become beams of red. Laser sightings attached to the barrels of guns.

Argent steps out of the shadows with Tyhurst behind him. He kneels down to look at the boy.

"Unfortunately, Jackson, i don't think i can give you what you want. But i have a feeling you might be able to help me." He reaches out a hand to help the boy back to his feet.


Alycia sits down on one of the chairs, sighing. She's been dancing with random guys this whole time, but every time she looks at them, she can't help but imagine someone else in front of her.

Derek has been running through her mind the whole time.

She takes a drink, slurping everything in one go.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now