[7.6] NIGHT SCHOOL: act six

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Stiles, Alycia, Lydia, Jackson and Allison sit, lined up against the wall while waiting for Scott's return.

"I don't get this. I don't get why he's out there, why he left and... I can't... I can't get my hands to stop shaking. My hands—" Allison whispers breathing harshly.

"It's going to be okay." Jackson whispers back, trying to calm her down.

Stiles turns, hearing the whispers. He glances to Lydia who seems strangely calm. Almost like she's determined not to be frightened anymore while Jackson leans closer to Allison.

Meanwhile, Alycia is giving them a disgusted look.

"I can't stop shaking." Allison whispers.

"It's okay." Jackson assures her.

He puts his hands over hers, their fingers intertwining, trying to keep her calm while his eyes linger over her just a little too long.


Scott gently sets the Molotov Cocktail down on the floor. He reaches for one of the metal supports underneath the bleachers. Stepping gingerly up, he begins climbing, making his way toward the keys which hang from the Janitor's belt.

After one last step, he stretches his arm, trying to grasp at the keys when a clunking sound makes him stop.

He holds still, eyes darting to the shadows. Then cocks his head to listen. But there's nothing. He reaches up again for the keys when another clunk causes the supports to shudder. Turning back, he sees what the source of the sound is when the bleachers start collapsing inward.

Someone or something is pushing the seats in, from the gym floor, causing the bleachers to telescope in on him.

With a well-aimed swipe, Scott snatches the keys off the body. He jumps back to the floor between the bleachers and the wall and hurtles for the light just beyond.

But the bleachers close in fast, threatening to crush in on him as he makes one last leap. He grabs the Molotov cocktail on the floor and tumbles out to safety.


At the teacher's desk, Lydia glances at the bottles of chemicals they used to make the Molotov Cocktail.

"Jackson, you handed me the sulfuric acid, right? It has to be sulfuric acid. It won't ignite, if it's not..." Lydia asks, raising her eyebrows.

She looks back at him to find him glaring at her.

"I gave you exactly what you asked for. Didn't I?" He stares at her, unblinking. An unnerving, frightening stare.

Lydia looks back at the bottle.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure you did."

- GYM -

Standing at the edge of the collapsed bleachers, Scott shakily raises the Molotov cocktail.

"Come on. Come and get me."

Something comes rushing forward as Scott hurls the cocktail and squeezes his eyes shut waiting for the fiery explosion.

But all he hears is breaking glass. He snaps his eyes open to see harmless chemicals spilling across the floor.

"Oh damn." He mutters.

Something latches around his ankle and drops him right to the floor. The keys tumble out of his grasp as he's hurled to the center of the gym.

A clawed hand clamps down on the side of Scott's head, pushing his face to the floor. The tips of the claws poke into his cheek, threatening to draw blood as his eyes open wide.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now