[11.3] FORMALITY: act three

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Stiles and Alycia watch Scott frantically search his room.

"Call it again." Stiles suggests.

"It's not here." Scott mutters.

Tossing blankets, pillows, lacrosse equipment, Scott tears the place.

"So you lost your phone, get a new one." Stiles tries again.

"He can't afford one." Alycia says.

"Exactly and i can't do this alone. We have to find Derek." Scott explains.

Alycia straightens her back, something that didn't go unnoticed by the other two.

"Okay, A, you're not alone. You have me and Alycia. And B, didn't you tell us Derek walked right into gunfire?" Stiles raises his eyebrows.

"Argent's plan was use him to get the Alpha. They won't kill him." Scott shakes his head.

"Then let them do what they're planning. They use Derek to get to Peter, problem solved."

"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek. I can't protect her myself. Which means i need to find Derek first. Just help me."

"I'm in." Alycia smiles.

Stiles reluctantly gets up to join the search.

"You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. Remember? When he was trying to kill you? When you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here? No? Maybe it's just me."

"He wasn't going to kill anyone. And i'm not letting him die."

"Could you at least think about letting him die? I know Alycia wouldn't, but you..."

But before Scott or a confused Alycia can respond, Scott hears something. The sound of a car engine rumbling.

"What?" Alycia mutters.

"Mom's home."


Clicking off the engine in the parked car, Melissa holds her cell phone to her ear waiting for the other line to pick up.

"Please leave a message after the tone."

The voice is so quick Melissa stumbles after the beep sounds.

"Oh, hi, it's me, Melissa McCall. Giving you... a call. That always sounds so awkward when i say it. Because of my last name, McCall, yeah, so..."


Scott listens in, cringing as it gets worse and worse.

"Wondering if you wanted to reschedule dinner. Or lunch. Doesn't have to be dinner. Lunch is good, or coffee. If you drink coffee. Maybe you drink tea. Maybe we could just go for drinks? I think i'll need a few after this profoundly embarrassing message. So, if you're not totally freaked out by this disastrous call, feel free to give me... a call."


Hitting end on her phone, Melissa sits there for a long, horrible moment.


Alycia tries to read Scott's expression.

"Is she okay?" Scott shakes his head no, still listening. "What's she doing now?" Alycia asks again.


Scott slumps down on his bed in utter misery.

"Scott, you can't protect everyone." Stiles mutters.

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