[7] NIGHT SCHOOL: act one

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The school doors slam shut, shaking on their hinges as Scott, Alycia and Stiles grip the handlebars with everything they've got.

"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott orders.

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles fires back.

"Grab something-"


"Anything." Scott says, giving him a look.

While Scott clutches the handlebars, Stiles looks out the doors to the bolt cutters leaning against the wall outside.

"No." Alycia states.


"No, Stiles, don't—"

But he pushes past Alycia, stepping out into the cold air.


Holding still, Stiles glances into the darkness. All he sees is the breath pluming from his lips. Then feet moving, he races to the side of the building where the bolt cutters lie. Grabbing them, he turns back to see Scott and Alycia staring out the glass doors.

Trying to speak.

Trying to say...


Stiles slowly turns his head as something lopes out of the darkness, a swiftly moving figure coming right for him.


Stiles charges back in with the bolt cutters. Scott grabs the other handle, the two of them fumbling to get both sides of the tool down into the bars, a makeshift lock.

When they look up again the walkway leading to the doors lies empty. A few leaves tumble across the pavement.

The three of them slowly retreat back, taking each step faster and faster until they're running.


Scott, Alycia and Stiles hurtle into a dark classroom.

"The desk— the desk." Stiles suggests.

They slip around the teacher's desk and start pushing it toward the door only to flinch at the loud squeal of metal agains tile.

"Stop! Stop." Alycia orders.

Holding still, they speak fast.

"The door's not going to keep it out". Stiles whispers.

"I know—" The siblings are cut off by Stiles.

"It's your boss, guys."

"What?" They ask confused.

"Deaton. The Alpha. Your boss."


"Yes. Murdering, psycho werewolf."

"It can't be." Alycia sighs.

"He disappears and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air. That's not convenient timing?" Stiles says.

"It's not him." Scott states.

"He killed Derek."

"Derek's not dead. He can't be dead." Alycia mutters.

"Sorry to tell you this, but blood spurted out of your lover's mouth. That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead. We're next." Stiles glances at the girl.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now